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Author Topic: Storm Pitch Black  (Read 7885 times)


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Storm Pitch Black
« on: October 29, 2014, 02:20:22 PM »
I have zero experience with urethane equipment and was hoping you all could help.

Friend of mine is a player with a lot of tilt and revs that match his speed fairly well. Both speed and revs are on the lower side. He likes to play straight up the lane and has trouble with newer equipment over hooking off the spot. He always seems to have an inconsistent reaction w/ the new "big" balls.

He has tried a Breeze drilled fairly week and ball still seems to over hook from the outside. The house we bowl at has a medium/heavy THS with a cliff of oil at 10.

Would a Pitch Black allow him to play straighter up the lane in his comfort zone? All the reviews I have read talk about short patterns, but none discuss this situation.



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Re: Storm Pitch Black
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2014, 09:56:34 PM »
I have fairly high speed and revs and swear by my urethane (Storm Natural) for shorter patterns and some THS.  It eliminates the over/under that I sometimes have on THS and also allows me to not have to change my release to much to play more down and in.  As a higher rev person with decent tilt, it's a piece that will always have a spot in my bag.

I don't know how the Pitch Black compares to the Natural, but I'd say it would be worth a shot for your friend.


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Re: Storm Pitch Black
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 04:27:25 AM »
Pitch Black is one of the strongest urethanes with the Blue Hammer being one of the weakest. Then you have the Natural and Super Natural modern urethanes. Lots of choices on those. I saw a video comparing some of them somewhere on youtube.
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Re: Storm Pitch Black
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 08:57:41 AM »
In box surface, the Pitch Black will roll much more even and way earlier than any resin ball.  If the intention is to get control of the backend reaction, then this might fit the bill.  It depends on the lane surface and how much oil is in the heads.

I have tried to throw my Pitch Black on wood lanes and watched it start rolling as soon as it hit the lane.   Coming up the back of the ball with a small amount of side roll made it a rolling bomb. A 19 mph wrecking ball.  Urethane is very good at taming down reaction off dry.  It becomes even more usuable it you can manipulate your release.   Be ready for ringing corner pins and true back row taps.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 09:06:21 AM by BeerLeague »


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Re: Storm Pitch Black
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 10:46:00 AM »
BeerLeague: my fear is exactly that, that it might start rolling as soon as it hits the lane.

The goal would be to tame the backend reaction with the hope of providing a bit more miss room. Anything right a touch of his hand doesn't have the revs to recover and anything left doesn't have the speed to hold. My hope is that with urethane, he could move right and play straight up the lane using the tame reaction to create more room.


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Re: Storm Pitch Black
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2014, 09:50:27 PM »
Urethane can often, but not always, allow a person to play more direct through the heads.  When you can play straighter carry is quite good and straighter players who struggle when they have to hook the lanes more than their rev rate favors can really benefit.  To me it is not so much about short patterns.  I actually like mine on the medium length house shots where I can play into the hold area a bit.  Not possible on short patterns.  Also short patterns with too much head oil often create adjustment problems from carrydown for urethane.  I wouldn't go anywhere without my urethane, but I still only use it about 25 percent of the time
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 09:54:04 PM by avabob »


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Re: Storm Pitch Black
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2014, 09:15:06 AM »
BeerLeague: my fear is exactly that, that it might start rolling as soon as it hits the lane.

The goal would be to tame the backend reaction with the hope of providing a bit more miss room. Anything right a touch of his hand doesn't have the revs to recover and anything left doesn't have the speed to hold. My hope is that with urethane, he could move right and play straight up the lane using the tame reaction to create more room.

Well, if a resin going to the right won't recover, then a Pitch Black definitely won't.  If playing straigher up the boards will help him alleviate the miss to the right, then a Pitch Black might be the deal. I am pretty confident that you will have to play with the ball surface to match up with the lane surface and bowler.

Has a resin ball with the pin on or near his axis point been considered?  This really smooths out the rip off the dry.  It gives a urethane like reaction with less ball surface.  You may consider this before jumping to urethane.  Resin balls exist for a reason... and urethane, while a good tool, usually is not the cure for over/under league conditions  .. just my .02

One thought is scour the internet or your local center house ball rack for an old urethane ball and plug/redrill the thumb.  Find an old Hammer, Angle, Turbo, Rhino ... anything ... dull it up with a burgundy scotch pad and have at it.  The do not soak up oil like resin, so don't worry about that.  Be aware that balls were rated by hardness back then so know what you are picking up.  The Pitch Black is a 73/75 which is the softest you can legally have.  It compares to Burgundy Hammer.  Do some internet research find anything from 73 thru 76 hardness.  Any Hammer but the pink one, black or yellow Angle, black Turbo (i think), black Columbia U-Dot or Vector One ...  there are several.

Core dynamics on new urethane balls do very little.  I put my Pitch Black up against my Burgundy Hammer and their is very little difference.  Urethane balls are 90% about ball surface and 10% drilling. 

Good luck.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 09:30:08 AM by BeerLeague »

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Storm Pitch Black
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2014, 11:34:17 AM »
I agree with most of what has been said here. Urethane can be a great option in the right hands on the right conditions, but you have to know where and how to use it. Plus, you have have to get used to the roll/hit characteristics, which are often very different than what most bowlers are used to.

As such, I would consider messing with his current stuff first before plunging into buying a new urethane ball. If too much motion off of the spot is the problem, he may want to consider using some of his more aggressive balls. Put some surface on something strong, and let the ball bleed some energy up front, which will lessen the pop on the back. The problem with balls like the Breeze is that they save every ounce of energy they have for the back end. That's why you'll see people reporting that their Tropical outhooks their Crux. If thrown on the same patterns, the Crux may burn up and die while the Tropical stores all of its energy for a huge move down the lane.

Again, I'm not trying to steer your friend away from urethane; I think urethane balls can be great, but they're not for everybody, and those who use them have to know when and how to do so as well as what to expect from them. As such, again, I would recommend having him try different balls, different surface preps, and possibly even redrilling before buying a urethane piece. That's just my .02.


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Re: Storm Pitch Black
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2014, 10:51:01 PM »
BeerLeague: my fear is exactly that, that it might start rolling as soon as it hits the lane.

The goal would be to tame the backend reaction with the hope of providing a bit more miss room. Anything right a touch of his hand doesn't have the revs to recover and anything left doesn't have the speed to hold. My hope is that with urethane, he could move right and play straight up the lane using the tame reaction to create more room.

Well, if a resin going to the right won't recover, then a Pitch Black definitely won't.  If playing straigher up the boards will help him alleviate the miss to the right, then a Pitch Black might be the deal. I am pretty confident that you will have to play with the ball surface to match up with the lane surface and bowler.

Has a resin ball with the pin on or near his axis point been considered?  This really smooths out the rip off the dry.  It gives a urethane like reaction with less ball surface.  You may consider this before jumping to urethane.  Resin balls exist for a reason... and urethane, while a good tool, usually is not the cure for over/under league conditions  .. just my .02

BeerLeague: You're exactly right. When he moves right, he doesn't miss right. He is much better at playing the hold rather than the dry.

What if I re-drilled his breeze to put the pin on the axis point and added some surface to the ball? What would this reaction do?  Also, do you have a suggested drilling and where would the CG be located, in his palm?

He currently has a Hyper Cell with the pin on his axis point. We have adjusted surface from dull to polished and it is always too much ball. He just needs something that will hold if it is pulled in a board or two. If he misses right, the ball wont recover, OH well. That is why I was thinking urethane.

He has an old urethane, except it is 16lbs. I will search local houses for a 15lbs urethane and try it before buying new.

Gene J Kanak: I agree with you, often "weaker" polished equipment out hooks a duller "stronger" ball. He has a few stronger dull balls, problem is his ball speed doesn't allow it to hold. It just rolls out right through the face. I was hoping urethane would roll out and stop in the pocket.


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Re: Storm Pitch Black
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2014, 11:49:09 PM »
I'm higher tilt. 26 degrees with 350 revs. Medium solid, strong pin placement and high Val angles are your friend. No polish!!! Balls that are smooth. Venom shock type ball. He needs to burn tilt or things will always be unpredictable.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 11:58:49 PM by vkowalski1970 »
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