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Author Topic: Storm The Road  (Read 4703 times)


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Storm The Road
« on: April 12, 2024, 08:14:57 PM »
The Road from Storm is the latest installment in the Thunder series line and is a slight remake of the legendary Hy Road. The Road features the Inverted FE2 core with AI tech and a hybrid version of REX. I drilled mine 5 x 5 x 3 and before I drilled this ball I was unsure about it because stronger cover Hy Road balls typically don’t really match up well for me but REX has been a great cover for me and after throwing this ball for awhile I am quite happy with it. It makes the same strong backend motion a Hy Road does but I would say the Road is a foot sooner and a few boards stronger overall. I can foresee this ball being a huge factor once the lanes transition and you need something cleaner through the fronts. I would say it is the strength of it is similar to a Zen Gold Label but the Road is WAY more backend. If you loved the original Hy Road and just want something a little stronger than I strongly suggest to get The Road!