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Author Topic: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?  (Read 9643 times)


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I heard a rumor that Storm is going to stop distributing their products to online discount retailers such as,, and will only distribute to authorized Storm Pro Shops because the online retailers sell them too cheap.  I hope this in indeed just a bad rumor. has the Storm Anarchy for $139.99, and my local Pro Shop sells it for $219.99. I am sorry, but that is major difference in price. Of course, I purchased from

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2011, 08:35:07 AM »
I am a league bowler, and just so there is no arguement, I am not from the previous posters ally.  I do however agree.  I see guys at our houwse all the time whine because they bought a ball online, it comes with either a 1/2 in pin or a 5 1/2 pin and wonder why the ball rolls crappy.  Online I cannot order a 3 in pin ball with 2 1/2 ounces top weight because they don't offer me that choice.  They offer weight then send me a crap pin and top weight ball they bought in bulk.  Then people go and get 8 balls because none of them roll good.  I use two balls.  Period.  I have a burst and an outburst.  That's all I need at my house, at high 5, at state, and the other tournys I go to.  Why, because my pro shop guy, props to mr. Noland, does a great job of knowing me and how I bowl and what will work.  I don't need the next hook monster or 5 of them.  He recommends, I buy, I happy.  I pay more for that, and am glad to. Online you may think you are getting a deal but think about how you bowl, what layout you use, the. Pin lenght, yes it matters to performance, the top weight , suprise it matters also, then ask your online guy to help. Nada.  They just sell you the weight then don't care.  I pay for peaace of mind.  And no I don't need everyone ripping me, it's just my opinion, because I love winning money from the guy with the mutant cell pearl who's cg and mass bias are marked on top of each other and he complains it is over under.  Nuff said

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The Dreaded Durbin

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2011, 08:40:05 AM »
Buddies sells you want ever ball specs you want.   If they do not have it they will contact you and let you know what they have in stock.
Most of the reputable on line stores are doing this now.   
The only on line site I would ever endorse over the pro shop is Buddies Pro Shop
Edited by The Dreaded Durbin on 1/22/2011 at 9:40 AM


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2011, 08:44:47 AM »

That is good information to know.  I do not and will not buy online, but I know a lot of guys who do that may find said information helpful.  Thanks

200 league average 3 leagues

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clear ebonite ball W/ebonite bowling pin inside


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2011, 09:33:44 AM »
Been buying balls online for 2 1/2 years.  Every pin, t.w I have requested has been fullfilled.  And I have never had a ball crack on me.  I've had a core separate and they replaced it.  My buddy bought a Hyroad 6 months ago and had the pro shop drill it.  The bridge and fingers cracked.  They wouldn't warranty it because they accused him of wrong doing.  They told him there was too much glue used in the fingers whicb caused the crack.  And that they were sure they didn't do it and he must have.  just saying.....

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2011, 10:50:06 AM »
Alwood, Sir you posted you paid $139 online for your ball... and your pro shop was selling it for $219...
However I do believe you left out a few things... One, how much did you pay to have said ball drilled...
And at $219, I would guess that price included drilling and maybe inserts...
So more than likely your final cost on your ball was around $189...
And with Storms new policy, it might be about $10 higher...
That is a far cry from what you posted    $219 - $139...
As usual online shoppers LOVE to LEAVE out the cost of drilling...
Now I'm sure you had "your guy" drill it for you for $25...
alwood85 wrote on 1/21/2011 10:40 AM:
That would mean I will have to pay over $200 for the Nano on Feb 1st. That is not good for bowlers like myself.

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Edited by jls on 1/22/2011 at 11:59 AM


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2011, 12:26:03 PM »
Yes, that is correct.  I did leave out the drilling, thumb slug, and fingertip inserts of. That is because my local pro shot charges $50 for fit/drill, $10 for thumb slug, and another $10 for inserts. That is an additional $70 to get it drilled. So yes, that is the main reason I purchased the ball online for $140.  I see no reason to pay $80 more for a ball than I need to.  So in total I paid $220 to acutally get my ball bowl ready. If I would have bought the ball from my local pro shop, I would have had to spend $290. I want to support my local pro shop, but at the prices they charge for the ball themselves I am not going to just throw money away that I have a limited supply of as it is.  That is the consumer thinking.  It's not charity after all.

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2011, 12:42:06 PM »
Well at 290 for a ball I would be trying another shop.. that is absolutely nuts.. but most shops arent that outrageous.. I couldnt stay in business charging that.. but back to the topic.. good job storm... I give Brunswick until March before they jump on board.... they know online retailers attached to distributors are killing shops!

Owner of Brazen Bowling Supply... authorized seller of Lane1,Big B,Morich,Storm,Roto,Seismic,Visionary,Motiv,Ebonite,Hammer,Columbia, and Track... I can get anything.. give me the chance to earn your business!


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2011, 12:44:25 PM »


alwood85 wrote on 1/22/2011 1:26 PM:
Yes, that is correct.  I did leave out the drilling, thumb slug, and fingertip inserts of. That is because my local pro shot charges $50 for fit/drill, $10 for thumb slug, and another $10 for inserts. That is an additional $70 to get it drilled. So yes, that is the main reason I purchased the ball online for $140.  I see no reason to pay $80 more for a ball than I need to.  So in total I paid $220 to acutally get my ball bowl ready. If I would have bought the ball from my local pro shop, I would have had to spend $290. I want to support my local pro shop, but at the prices they charge for the ball themselves I am not going to just throw money away that I have a limited supply of as it is.  That is the consumer thinking.  It's not charity after all.

Current Arsenal:

Storm Invasion

Storm Anarchy

Storm Prodigy

 And, I believe, in your post, lies much of the answer.

 I honestly feel that JLS would agree that $290 is too much for the ball ready to bowl with. Part of the problem may be that many shops do charge fair prices, while others that we use as examples, don't.


 IF the price is the same in the end, I will ALWAYS buy from the local shop, but around here, that is a rare case. I can usually find what I'm looking for online cheaply enough to MORE than make up for drilling charges.


 All that may end soon though, and I can only hope that the B&M shops don't try to take advantage of a "captive" audience and start to jack the prices up now. 

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2011, 01:10:18 PM »
what ever they do i will still buy online and drill them myself.Since this season i have drilled my own stuff im averaging 12 pins higher than last season due to the constant problems with ball fit are now gone..........


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2011, 01:39:44 PM »
 EVERYBODY STOP!!!  JLS has spoken. Discussion over.

He has already stated that pro shop prices will not go up. He speaks for every pro shop.  So no need to worry. He also said none of you basement hole pounders can drill a ball as well as all of these qualified pro shops. So everyone knock it off.  I mean you have to go through how many years of schooling, and how many countless hours of certification to be a ball driller. I can't even imagine a number that big. JLS maybe you can remind us all of the classes and the hours of schooling that ball drillers go through.

Seriously there are some great drillers out there, but to simple dismiss everyone who buys a ball online, and has a friend who drills it for $25 as a bad thing is another of your idiotic generalized statements.   Prices are going up as a result of ebonite and storms policies.  Hopefully that will help the good pro shops, but to simply state that it helps all shops and that's a good thing,  I strongly disagree with.  Obviously this will not affect the great one and his pro shop super store.


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2011, 01:46:50 PM »
SO remind me again how this wouldnt help all shops? Your post doesnt make a lot of sense? So making more money for a service is not going to help all pro shops? Maybe the hole puncher shops can make enoough to go to school and learn, who knows what they will do with the cash but to say it is not a good thing for everyone is kind of foolish!


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2011, 02:51:26 PM »
maybe the pro shop will make some more money so they can go to school and learn also,just because you own a pro shop dosent mean you know how to drill a ball................
TrackMaster wrote on 1/22/2011 2:46 PM:SO remind me again how this wouldnt help all shops? Your post doesnt make a lot of sense? So making more money for a service is not going to help all pro shops? Maybe the hole puncher shops can make enoough to go to school and learn, who knows what they will do with the cash but to say it is not a good thing for everyone is kind of foolish!


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2011, 03:10:47 PM »
Im sure the pro shop guys dont like it but it is pretty much how business works.Online retailers buy in large quantities and therefore get alot better price than smaller shops and pass the cost savings on.I work in an aerospace company and there is a huge difference in the price of the exact same part that is bought in a large quantity by a huge company compared to smaller companys that buy only a small order.I think it sells alot more balls for the ball companys when the products are less expensive.If the ball companys were so worried about there product being thought of as discount brand or how there product was thought of maybe they should have thought about that when they flood the market with a new ball every other week......  


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2011, 03:55:27 PM »
You want to save on cost you can. Between online retailers and ebay you can save a decent amount of money. If you use thumbslugs and inserts you can also save online. Usually thumbslugs run $3 and inserts around $3-5. So if you buy all of them online with your ball your looking only at the cost of drilling. I bought my drill, jig, and drill bits in 2000 and it has long since paid for its self. (ebay jig and bits $225 shipped, bench top drill press at Lowes $225) Over time we added other needed tools here and there to have a complete proshop on hand and ready. My brother and I have split the cost and used it for our selves, family, and friends. He had several years proshop experience and after watching him in shop and at home learned plenty to be able to drill my own equipment. If you use your resources correctly online you can learn a lot.


Some love to argue the vast knowledge of proshops that you get in store vs online. That is only true in many small cases. There are just as many proshops that do a bad job of not learning anything about the bowler, and just punch the ball and send them out as ever. (I see it every week) It's either pin above the finger for length, or pin down for early roll and that is it.


Still if companies plan on cutting out online stores or having minimum prices they also better plan on fewer releases. I think its easy to agree that in this economy sales will not support so many new releases all of the time.


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2011, 09:36:56 PM »
Why does everyone just assume that the proshop in the bowling alley is the best place to get a ball...The proshop I used to go to didn't even measure ppl's PAP, Also the "pro" running it is signed by Ebonite and guess what gets thrown down everyone's throats.. I had to drive 2 1/2 hours just to be able to get the Vise IT thumb installed...because the "pro" can't use Vise products...Myself and a friend of mine got tired of being ripped off by this so called "pro shop" so we in together and bought our own set up...and we're not the only one' the last year I know of 3 other ppl in this small town that has bought their own set up's...I don't understand why everyone thinks if its called a "pro shop" they know what their doing and are going to match you up with what u need...I've seen this guy openly admit he doesn't know much about storm balls, but this new Ebonite ball is...yeah you get the point. This is the type of "pro shop" Storm and Ebonite are helping out with their new policies...and ppl like myself and the others who drill thier own stuff are getting screwed...hell I was thniking about getting all the BS stuff I need to start taking customers, but then the owner informed me if I did that I'd be banned from the bowling alley...then I'd have to drive a good hour just to be able to bowl...This house and it's so called "proshop" is what is ruining bowling... not internet sells...