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Author Topic: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?  (Read 9647 times)


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I heard a rumor that Storm is going to stop distributing their products to online discount retailers such as,, and will only distribute to authorized Storm Pro Shops because the online retailers sell them too cheap.  I hope this in indeed just a bad rumor. has the Storm Anarchy for $139.99, and my local Pro Shop sells it for $219.99. I am sorry, but that is major difference in price. Of course, I purchased from

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2011, 12:25:27 PM »
There are some good pro shop out there as well as bad. I've been seeing more bad coming along than good. I have seen some decent pro shops turn bad because of greed and the owner makes a comment that he can hire anyone to punch holes in a ball that people don't know the difference in fits. I have actually heard that statement made. My pro shop takes good care of me. However if that good service would disappear I do have everything in my garage to drill my own equipment and yes I have experience.

Mike Austin

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2011, 12:55:33 PM »
Sorry Pinsmash, but the online companies DON"T buy in large quantities.  They don't buy in any quanitity.  Now they do SELL in large quantities, but it is many many small orders.  Generally, they don't buy anything, they drop ship from distributors around the country.  They generally never see or touch the product.  The distributors in their greed and noncaring attitude for the pro shops are the ones who sell to the onlines at a discounted rate.  If the distributors would sell to the pro shops for the same prices as the online shops, then we could compete with price.  But they don't, so we can't.  Now the manufacturers are finally stepping in.  The pro shops are the ones that are hands on with the bowlers and are the ones that offer service to the bowlers, the onlines don't offer any help except a few videos and a cheaper price.  The manufacturers are trying to protect the ones that are directly responsible for seeing that their product is used in the proper way.


Ebonite's policy is trying to get the Big 3 to BUY in large quantities, warehouse it themselves, and ship it themselves.  They evidently are not doing this, so no EBI products on these three sites.  Like someone else mentioned, Buddies has EBI products on their site, and in my experience offers better service than the "Big 3".


Back to work....

pin-smasher wrote on 1/22/2011 4:10 PM:Im sure the pro shop guys dont like it but it is pretty much how business works.Online retailers buy in large quantities and therefore get alot better price than smaller shops and pass the cost savings on.I work in an aerospace company and there is a huge difference in the price of the exact same part that is bought in a large quantity by a huge company compared to smaller companys that buy only a small order.I think it sells alot more balls for the ball companys when the products are less expensive.If the ball companys were so worried about there product being thought of as discount brand or how there product was thought of maybe they should have thought about that when they flood the market with a new ball every other week......

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shop
Houston, TX

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2011, 12:57:53 PM »
Would you please STFU??!!  You don't offer anything positive to any thread you post in.  You just follow JLS around by his gonads and bash at every chance you get, hiding behind your screen name while doing so.  Do us all a favor, stick to the topic at hand or shut up.


Sorry, venting, just got a splinter in my hand building a work bench.  LOL!

airrip wrote on 1/22/2011 2:39 PM:EVERYBODY STOP!!! JLS has spoken. Discussion over.

He has already stated that pro shop prices will not go up. He speaks for every pro shop. So no need to worry. He also said none of you basement hole pounders can drill a ball as well as all of these qualified pro shops. So everyone knock it off. I mean you have to go through how many years of schooling, and how many countless hours of certification to be a ball driller. I can't even imagine a number that big. JLS maybe you can remind us all of the classes and the hours of schooling that ball drillers go through.

Seriously there are some great drillers out there, but to simple dismiss everyone who buys a ball online, and has a friend who drills it for $25 as a bad thing is another of your idiotic generalized statements. Prices are going up as a result of ebonite and storms policies. Hopefully that will help the good pro shops, but to simply state that it helps all shops and that's a good thing, I strongly disagree with. Obviously this will not affect the great one and his pro shop super store.

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shop
Houston, TX

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2011, 01:21:31 PM »
Mike's comments are 100%  spot on.



Read the post carefully and you find the REAL companies responsible for the problem.

Mike Austin wrote on 1/23/2011 1:55 PM:
Sorry Pinsmash, but the online companies DON"T buy in large quantities.  They don't buy in any quanitity.  Now they do SELL in large quantities, but it is many many small orders.  Generally, they don't buy anything, they drop ship from distributors around the country.  They generally never see or touch the product.  The distributors in their greed and noncaring attitude for the pro shops are the ones who sell to the onlines at a discounted rate.  If the distributors would sell to the pro shops for the same prices as the online shops, then we could compete with price.  But they don't, so we can't.  Now the manufacturers are finally stepping in.  The pro shops are the ones that are hands on with the bowlers and are the ones that offer service to the bowlers, the onlines don't offer any help except a few videos and a cheaper price.  The manufacturers are trying to protect the ones that are directly responsible for seeing that their product is used in the proper way.


Ebonite's policy is trying to get the Big 3 to BUY in large quantities, warehouse it themselves, and ship it themselves.  They evidently are not doing this, so no EBI products on these three sites.  Like someone else mentioned, Buddies has EBI products on their site, and in my experience offers better service than the "Big 3".


Back to work....

pin-smasher wrote on 1/22/2011 4:10 PM:Im sure the pro shop guys dont like it but it is pretty much how business works.Online retailers buy in large quantities and therefore get alot better price than smaller shops and pass the cost savings on.I work in an aerospace company and there is a huge difference in the price of the exact same part that is bought in a large quantity by a huge company compared to smaller companys that buy only a small order.I think it sells alot more balls for the ball companys when the products are less expensive.If the ball companys were so worried about there product being thought of as discount brand or how there product was thought of maybe they should have thought about that when they flood the market with a new ball every other week......

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shop
Houston, TX

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #35 on: January 23, 2011, 02:24:26 PM »
No,just wait a few weeks tell ball is discontinued and there marked down to clear them out........

Monster Pike

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2011, 04:40:16 PM »
Well, I'll just wait longer & longer between getting new balls now...  Use the old ones til they're totally dead. 
I think this policy will hurt them (bowling companies) in the beginning & you'll just see em raise prices to compensate.  I bet the proshops raise their prices now knowing this...  Maybe not yet, but I bet they will w/in a yr.

Army Proud
Edited by Monster Pike on 1/23/2011 at 5:41 PM


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2011, 06:27:27 PM »
so is storm going to change there company saying from the  THE BOWLERS COMPANY  to   THE PRO SHOPS COMPANY............... lol   
TheFreeAgent wrote on 1/23/2011 2:16 PM:
You sir are a MORON how are you going to stop supporting a company thats trying to help pro shops? Stick with golf dumbass


DrTitleist wrote on 1/21/2011 1:32 PM:I sure hope not because if they do, I will stop buying Storm just like I stopped buying anything from Ebonite International..

REFS: MrEddie(BBE), notsohotshot(BR), akanayte(UTA), Tywithay(BBE), BKloss(BR), therealdeal24(BR)

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2011, 02:52:51 PM »
allwood, i think you may be mistken. im sure that if you go to your proshop that the price of 219.00 on the ball is final. The 70 bucks to get it drilled only applies if you bought the ball else where. Thats how every shop is that ive been to.Ask the pro shop man and see and if the final price is 219.00 then you arent saving much by buying online and if he is charging 290.00 total then thats insane.

Monster Pike

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2011, 05:44:52 PM »
It's probably $219 plus tax....  I bought balls from jls & he always tells me the price out the door w/a car wash & a wax & a bag of taco supremes...  But he fails to include the tax.... So your right, that $219 is probably drilled but before tax.... Best to check w/pro shop guy & not just assume.
robby wrote on 1/24/2011 3:52 PM:
allwood, i think you may be mistken. im sure that if you go to your proshop that the price of 219.00 on the ball is final. The 70 bucks to get it drilled only applies if you bought the ball else where. Thats how every shop is that ive been to.Ask the pro shop man and see and if the final price is 219.00 then you arent saving much by buying online and if he is charging 290.00 total then thats insane.

Army Proud


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2011, 06:04:16 PM »
 Mr Austin I apologize if offended you.  How could I post on a forum without talking to you first.  After all you are a hall of fame member, and I'm just little old me.  As far as following your buddy JLS around, well that's just because he keeps posting this generalized statements about every pro shop and how the prices won't change for bowlers, blah blah blah. So I was just pointing this out to him.  I  Should be ashamed though for not asking you first.  

Its obvious why  you agree with him on this topic, because it benefits you financially in your business, and thats fine, i dont even blame you, but the fact  is it is going to cost bowlers who buy on line, or do not have a pro shop close by, or maybe they don't carry that brand of ball, more money.  But once again what do I know.

Now if you would like to discuss me hiding behind my screen name feel free to contact me or respond to the message I sent you and I would be more then happy to discuss it with you. If you can stoop to my level with you being a hall of famer and all
Edited by airrip on 1/24/2011 at 7:05 PM

Mike Austin

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2011, 09:03:24 AM »
No apology needed, you didn't offend me.  Just gets kinda tired reading you ripping jls (or anybody by anybody) when said ripping has nothing to do with the thread.  I come on here to try and help bowlers, drillers, anybody that wants it.  If you want to rip jls, fine by me, start a thread and do it there, not in somebody else's thread.


BTW, that's why it's called (by you) a generalized statement.  GENERALLY pro shop prices have not gone up because of these manufacturer actions.  YOUR pro shop went up, that's the only one.   Probably some other ones have, but GENERALLY they haven't. (yet).  GENERALLY the prices have went up on the internet, but like I said, not in pro shops, at least not in Houston.


I responded kindly to your message.  I'm not sure what me being in the Houston Hall of Fame has to do with any of this, but you brought it up?  Me being in said HOF had nothing to do with getting down to your level.  Have a nice day anyway, and welcome to my ignore list.

airrip wrote on 1/24/2011 7:04 PM:Mr Austin I apologize if offended you. How could I post on a forum without talking to you first. After all you are a hall of fame member, and I'm just little old me. As far as following your buddy JLS around, well that's just because he keeps posting this generalized statements about every pro shop and how the prices won't change for bowlers, blah blah blah. So I was just pointing this out to him. I Should be ashamed though for not asking you first.

Its obvious why you agree with him on this topic, because it benefits you financially in your business, and thats fine, i dont even blame you, but the fact is it is going to cost bowlers who buy on line, or do not have a pro shop close by, or maybe they don't carry that brand of ball, more money. But once again what do I know.

Now if you would like to discuss me hiding behind my screen name feel free to contact me or respond to the message I sent you and I would be more then happy to discuss it with you. If you can stoop to my level with you being a hall of famer and all

Edited by airrip on 1/24/2011 at 7:05 PM

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shop
Houston, TX

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2011, 11:50:54 AM »
It wont be long before true Pro Shops are gone by the wayside like full service gas stations. The guys who invested and bought your own drill press and your own set-ups, then congrats. You are truly involved in the game and have taken it up a notch to the hobby level instead of novice or once a week bowler.


I get where Storm and Ebonite are going with this. I have not spoken to our Storm rep in awhile but I guarantee they know who the real culprits in this are and would have a "Classic" answer to the question.


It is the consumers perogative to seek out the best price possible. I do it when I buy many things daily like auto parts or clothing. Now the actual service itself is different as I do not have the confidence to tear the brakes off my truck and reassemble them. For this I got to a professional. It is the same if I need a coat taken in or the hem in my slacks taken out. I do not sew, so a pro is needed.


The one thing about waiting to buy on close out is someone still has to drill it. My blank drilling price is the same regardless of what YOU paid for it: $50 for a blank, $10 for finger inserts, and $12 for a thumb insert. If that is too much, then it is your perogrative to go elsewhere. But trust me, I have several repeat customers who have no problem paying my price because they trust my service will be good or I will go to great lengths to make it right.

"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 82? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro-Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #43 on: January 27, 2011, 10:21:45 AM »
I run a pro shop and i really must put in my 2 cents worth here. So everyone is all butt hurt that you cant get a storm or ebonite ball dirt cheap anymore? I also think that if you get charged 290 bucks for a ball that pro shop wont be in service very long or at least in my town he wouldn't.  But anywho what chaps me is how people buy these balls from the net then bring them to the shop then they act mad when i tell them its 65 to drill it with inserts like i owe them to drill it cheap since they bowl at my center. So amen to the companies for raising the price to the internet sites its been LONG overdue.Cause unless you people are gonna drill them in your house with a cordless drill you need pro shops and the men and women who run them to keep going to schools and learing the new layouts so we can make you a better bowler by using the technology these companies are applying to these new bowling balls.

Nate Hand
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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #44 on: January 27, 2011, 02:43:39 PM »

jls wrote on 1/27/2011 12:00 PM:
Airrip,  or is it Drip dry...
All you are is a two bit little stalker... You were probably the FIRST person on this thread to start attacking...That is what you do... You seldom address the topic, especially if you see me posting in it...
I addressed where someone made a statement saying he buys online for $139 as compared to $219 in his pro shop... I questioned that statement... Because I know that at $139, the ball is not drilled... and at $219 more than likely that price included drilling and possibly inserts and a slug...
Therefor saying you buy at $139 and leaving out the cost of drilling and slugs is inaccurate and mis leading...
But you are such a lowlife stalker, you didn't even realize that... YOU JUST RUN YOU BIG MOUTH AT START ATTACKING...  Cause that is what you are all about... Your a two bit little stalker...
Now Drip dry,  get lost kid,  we all know you are still in the 3rd grade and are still not potty trained...
Now may I go on...
DR TITLEIST.... Since you use that name, "Titleist" as your screen name... I wonder, do you play golf....And if you do,  I will assume you like Titleist... I will assume you might even play Titleist golf balls...
Now if so,,,, Do you know that Titleist has SET PRICES... Pro shops must sell their balls at $39.95 for the ProV1 models...  Check out any online dealer or pro shop,  You will see that the Titleist Pro V1's are all priced the same... $39.95...
That sir is SET Pricing... The same thing that Ebonite and Storm are now doing....And Titleist has been doing that for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Therefore sir,  If you do play golf, and your screen name  of "Titleist"  is golf related... Then sir you are bashing Storm and Ebonite for Set Pricing,  yet you appear to be ok with Titleist doing it...
Now sir, If by chance your screen name of "Titleist" does not have anything to do with golf...Please forgive me...
But since "Titlesit" is a name we all know that has ties to GOLF,  I do believe you play golf...
Therefore by using that name and possibly playing their equipment, while they have SET PRICING,  and saying that you will stop buying Storm and Ebonite because they have SET PRICING,   well sir that sounds like a HYPOCRITE to me...
Of course maybe you did not know that "Titleist" had SET PRICING... Therefore you would not be a hypocrite...
But since you now know...What is your next move...
All Storm and Ebonite are trying to do is protect their brands and help the bowling industry...
The do not want to become known as the NORTHWESTERN GOLF CO.  of the bowling industry...
A discount low price brand....
have a nice day sir
And as for you Airrip / Drip dry.... Please do yourself a favor... Wash your hands after you pee on them,  Still sucking your thumb right................

For whatever it is worth jls it is time to stop beating a dead horse. All of us on here know how you feel about the pricing and that is the great thing you get to your opinion. However, it gets pointless when you continually go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on....get my picture?
Edited by tburky on 1/27/2011 at 10:53 PM


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #45 on: January 28, 2011, 04:40:36 AM »
The only way this benefits the consumer is in the long runl. If the internet is allowed to kill more pro shops from the cut throat pricing levels, eventually, all the industry will have is the backyard/garage/basement ball drillers as anyone who tried to make a living off running a shop will be gone. Gone will be the ability to have someone at the lanes to coach you, etc.


I am not standing on a box saying every operator is a gem, they are not. However, ridding the earth of every single one is not an option either, and that is the route the internet was going with the shops. Thus, the consumer only benefits over the long run, no instant gratification our society is used to today.