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Author Topic: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?  (Read 9648 times)


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I heard a rumor that Storm is going to stop distributing their products to online discount retailers such as,, and will only distribute to authorized Storm Pro Shops because the online retailers sell them too cheap.  I hope this in indeed just a bad rumor. has the Storm Anarchy for $139.99, and my local Pro Shop sells it for $219.99. I am sorry, but that is major difference in price. Of course, I purchased from

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #46 on: January 28, 2011, 06:54:51 AM »
airrip and jls




Take your garbage to PM -- we are all sick of the banter and I am tired of seeing it on the site.


This is your only warning.  The next time I see either one of you taking a jab at the other, your gone.

This was also sent via PM to the both of you.

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #47 on: January 28, 2011, 07:56:07 AM »

 A big 'ol +1 to that!

Ballreviews wrote on 1/28/2011 7:54 AM:
airrip and jls




Take your garbage to PM -- we are all sick of the banter and I am tired of seeing it on the site.


This is your only warning.  The next time I see either one of you taking a jab at the other, your gone.

This was also sent via PM to the both of you.



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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #48 on: January 28, 2011, 08:21:23 AM »
So is it just Storm or did RotoGrip also follow along? No mention of RG and was curious.

Be good, or be good at it.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #49 on: January 29, 2011, 09:53:58 AM »
wooohoooo ballreviews has a moderator finally someone to shut JLS up!!!!!!!  anywho, if the proshops take the time and go about everything as they are SUPPOSE <----key word then we wouldnt be buying online. for the longest time I felt that I didnt have a reliable proshop within an hour of my house, so yes I buy online to save the extra 60-80 bucks and i worked at the center and a friend drilled his stuff so he drilled mine as well. Now it seems as if the proshop guy has gotten his crap together now so i think my next ball will be purchased through him. If the shops do their part i(the customer) will do my part in supporting the shop. but i refuse to pay for this "service" you guys speak of that alot of proshops lack...

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #50 on: January 29, 2011, 11:19:38 AM »
This is a prime example of a BIAS comment... this person buys online...And seems to have a problem with someone defending pro shops...And he gets his balls drill by a friend, so therefore it appears he feels that pro shops overcharge... 
So it's ok for him to come on here and post and knock me???   Because I defend pro shops...
But it's not ok for me to post... And as anyone can see,  in this thread, I addressed the topic... Then someone came on and started right in on me....Notice how many post were made on this thread... Yet only one person came on and attacked...And yes, I'm guilty of firing back,  >>> once attacked...
StickZ wrote on 1/29/2011 10:53 AM:
wooohoooo ballreviews has a moderator finally someone to shut JLS up!!!!!!!  anywho, if the proshops take the time and go about everything as they are SUPPOSE <----key word then we wouldnt be buying online. for the longest time I felt that I didnt have a reliable proshop within an hour of my house, so yes I buy online to save the extra 60-80 bucks and i worked at the center and a friend drilled his stuff so he drilled mine as well. Now it seems as if the proshop guy has gotten his crap together now so i think my next ball will be purchased through him. If the shops do their part i(the customer) will do my part in supporting the shop. but i refuse to pay for this "service" you guys speak of that alot of proshops lack...

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Edited by jls on 1/29/2011 at 1:30 PM


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #51 on: January 29, 2011, 11:49:46 AM »

StickZ wrote on 1/29/2011 10:53 AM:
wooohoooo ballreviews has a moderator finally someone to shut JLS up!!!!!!!  anywho, if the proshops take the time and go about everything as they are SUPPOSE <----key word then we wouldnt be buying online. for the longest time I felt that I didnt have a reliable proshop within an hour of my house, so yes I buy online to save the extra 60-80 bucks and i worked at the center and a friend drilled his stuff so he drilled mine as well. Now it seems as if the proshop guy has gotten his crap together now so i think my next ball will be purchased through him. If the shops do their part i(the customer) will do my part in supporting the shop. but i refuse to pay for this "service" you guys speak of that alot of proshops lack...

Career High Game: 300x3
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What do you do for a living because whatever it is you get paid way way too much.  

I'm very sure that I can go somewhere else and get whatever you do for way way less.  

Did you go to school or get any technical training cause that was an absolute waste of your time.  Cause I'm sure that I'm smart enough and I have a buddy who is smart enough that I don't need your help ever.

You are an ignorant a$$.


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #52 on: January 29, 2011, 12:27:30 PM »
STICKZ has been around for a number of years .. he takes exception to the remarks that are made by jls .. I am also a long time member and I ALSO take exception to jls words!


STICK  notes that he's willing to pay for B/M shops service when it is earned .. I find no fault with his comments.

Why do we stand by and allow jls to degrade our membership but take exception to someone who voices his opinion without belittling anyone!


RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #53 on: January 29, 2011, 12:40:16 PM »

 What remarks have I made that he is referring too???
That Ebonite did not raise prices...That Ebonite and Storm have decided they need a pricing policy to protect their brands...That the cost of HP Ebonite balls went up about $10 online....
All of these are FACTS... Not statements made by JLS...  They are hard facts...
Now  I pointed  out    {as well as many other pro shops did } to Joe that online prices have not gone thru the roof... I pointed out that Ebonite's HP balls went up $10 online... I also pointed out that Ebonite did not raise their prices... The Online dealers raised their prices....
Are these the remarks that upsets people like Joe and this other person???
These are all 100% accurate facts...
But since I defend pro shops, online shoppers like Joe and this person feel it's their right to attack me, and the truth....
I dare Joe or this person to post one remark I made about these new set price policies  that is not true...
JOE FALCO wrote on 1/29/2011 1:27 PM:
STICKZ has been around for a number of years .. he takes exception to the remarks that are made by jls .. I am also a long time member and I ALSO take exception to jls words!


STICK  notes that he's willing to pay for B/M shops service when it is earned .. I find no fault with his comments.

Why do we stand by and allow jls to degrade our membership but take exception to someone who voices his opinion without belittling anyone!



Edited by jls on 1/29/2011 at 1:41 PM


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #54 on: January 29, 2011, 12:43:13 PM »

JOE FALCO wrote on 1/29/2011 1:27 PM:
STICKZ has been around for a number of years .. he takes exception to the remarks that are made by jls .. I am also a long time member and I ALSO take exception to jls words!


STICK  notes that he's willing to pay for B/M shops service when it is earned .. I find no fault with his comments.

Why do we stand by and allow jls to degrade our membership but take exception to someone who voices his opinion without belittling anyone!



Okay Joe you tell me what kind of service you think is worth paying for.   You define it for us.

I'm willing to bet it has to do with low prices...but let me not put words in your mouth.

Go ahead tell me.....Stickz too...


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #55 on: January 29, 2011, 12:48:24 PM »
Skid,   I think you are 100% right... The other person posted how he gets his balls drilled by a friend of a friend...He didn't mention the cost...But he did seem to feel that paying $60-70 is to high unless he feels he is getting top notch service... Now in my area, most shops charge $40-60 to drill a HP ball...
Why is it that we always see someone who buys online saying things like they don't feel the pro shops they deal with give top notch service or charge too much... Why is that???
And why is it that us pro shops can't take exception to those remarks...
There are many pro shops that have been on this site for a long time... And I'll bet many of them also take ex ception to these remarks that pro shops don't know what they are doing or that they over charge people...Or that a quality company like Ebonite may be a  "raper" now because it has set pricing...
I take offense to that remark..."raper"...
SKIDSNAP wrote on 1/29/2011 1:43 PM:

JOE FALCO wrote on 1/29/2011 1:27 PM:
STICKZ has been around for a number of years .. he takes exception to the remarks that are made by jls .. I am also a long time member and I ALSO take exception to jls words!


STICK  notes that he's willing to pay for B/M shops service when it is earned .. I find no fault with his comments.

Why do we stand by and allow jls to degrade our membership but take exception to someone who voices his opinion without belittling anyone!



Okay Joe you tell me what kind of service you think is worth paying for.   You define it for us.

I'm willing to bet it has to do with low prices...but let me not put words in your mouth.

Go ahead tell me.....Stickz too...

Edited by jls on 1/29/2011 at 2:25 PM


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #56 on: January 29, 2011, 12:55:34 PM »

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 Quote Reply  Posted on 1/11/2011 at 1:20 PM

Did you say RAPER

Now this to me is a remark that is out of line and offensive....
This was posted in a thread where someone wanted to know what the Ebonite logo meant...

Edited by jls on 1/29/2011 at 1:57 PM


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #57 on: January 29, 2011, 02:38:26 PM »

 Moderators: I would like to Report this Post as being correct.

The Omnipotent wrote on 1/29/2011 3:09 PM:

 Thank god somebody pointed this out to the O.P.  How dense can you be to think ANY SANE BUSINESSMAN would price a ball almost $100 over another's advertised price and stay in business?  Thats the price of the ball complete.  Congratulations!  You saved a whole $9 buying online.  Wow.


I think all you cheap asses crying about not being able to save $10 on a ball should just go back to K-Mart and get a new Galaxie 300 drilled out by one of the "pro"s they farm that out to.    


Airrip, you're a chump.  You didn't come on here to offer any insight on the topic, just a chance to jab at jls.  Austin is right, just stay off the board while the grownups are talking. 


Falco, answer the question.  Define what good service is and what you are willing to pay for it.  So far as I've seen, you're impressed when a company takes a ball back and replaces it for free.  Is that what qualifies as good service?  Free?  You don't like the new pricing, do what Drrev your sheckels until you have enough to buy what you want.  Or buy it used, whether it has scribe lines on it or not you're still saving money and that's your main bitch after all.     

robby wrote on 1/24/2011 3:52 PM:

allwood, i think you may be mistken. im sure that if you go to your proshop that the price of 219.00 on the ball is final. The 70 bucks to get it drilled only applies if you bought the ball else where. Thats how every shop is that ive been to.Ask the pro shop man and see and if the final price is 219.00 then you arent saving much by buying online and if he is charging 290.00 total then thats insane.

Stupid is as stupid does.  And you sure do a lot!


Edited by The Omnipotent on 1/29/2011 at 3:16 PM

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #58 on: January 29, 2011, 06:29:24 PM »
Snapsnap .. What are you asking ME .. my statement was "I FIND NO FAULT WITH HIS COMMENTS" .. did you want to direct a question to STICKZ .. seems like you are a little mixed up! Please don't try to draw me into something I'm not talking about .. I did say something about jls comments .. I don't see you mentioning that I guess you are in agreement with his ridicule!

SKIDSNAP wrote on 1/29/2011 1:43 PM:


JOE FALCO wrote on 1/29/2011 1:27 PM:
STICKZ has been around for a number of years .. he takes exception to the remarks that are made by jls .. I am also a long time member and I ALSO take exception to jls words!


STICK  notes that he's willing to pay for B/M shops service when it is earned .. I find no fault with his comments.


Why do we stand by and allow jls to degrade our membership but take exception to someone who voices his opinion without belittling anyone!



Okay Joe you tell me what kind of service you think is worth paying for. You define it for us.

I'm willing to bet it has to do with low prices...but let me not put words in your mouth.

Go ahead tell me.....Stickz too...
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #59 on: January 29, 2011, 06:46:20 PM »
Sunset lefty wrote:

Falco, answer the question.  Define what good service is and what you are willing to pay for it.  So far as I've seen, you're impressed when a company takes a ball back and replaces it for free.  Is that what qualifies as good service?  Free?  You don't like the new pricing, do what Drrev your sheckels until you have enough to buy what you want.  Or buy it used, whether it has scribe lines on it or not you're still saving money and that's your main bitch after all. 


Response by JoeFalco:
If you are not impressed by a company that takes a cracked ball (that's what we were referring too) and replaces it .. I don't know what to say! NO . I don't like the new pricing and I've said that many times .. the new pricing (as you refer to it) only effects those dealers that were giving the bowler a break .. you may not be one of those bowlers .. I was .. therefore I DON'T LIKE IT! Yes I don't buy USED BALLS and I certainly would NOT BUY one that is scribed. Now if I answered all your comments I'll move on .. sorry I upset you .. your profile says you were trained by Ebonite .. good for you!
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #60 on: January 29, 2011, 07:20:19 PM »

 What i find amazing here is how Joe and his little friends can come on and post anything them want,  and it's OK....But if a pro shop comes on and questiones their comments, that pro shop becomes the bad guy...


Joe started a thread bashing Ebonite over their pricing policy... He claimed prices would soar.. They DID NOT....In fact they went up ONLY $10   I pointed that out, and then Joe got all bent out of shape and decided to put me on his iggy list... 


Then he started a thread ATTACKING ME... And everyone who replied to that thread KNEW who  he was attacking...  And while attacking me,  he had me on his iggy list...  Joe likes to attack people and then HIDE behind his iggy list....


In another thread, Joe referred to Ebonite as "the Raper"   I have copied and posted that RUDE CRUDE REMARK made against a respected Ball Company....


He referred to them as the "raper"  because they are trying to protect their brands image...


Now once again I am asking Joe to post all these so called remarks he claims I made that upset him...


Now most of them were things called THE TRUTH.... I pointed out the TRUTH and Joe can't HANDLE the TRUTH... So he hides under his iggy list while attacking me every chance he gets...


Several times in the last few days,  Joe has come into a post were I have just posted to attack... Then after a short period, he deletes his remarks...


Now since Joe has me on his iggy list, he can't see this.... So would someone please Quote it...



In this thread I addressed the topic by asking the OP, if the $139 price included drilling, and the so called pro shop price of $219 included drilling.... The OP made it sound like the $139 price was drilled... Yet we now know that it did not include drilling....


And then someone came on and attacked me...He didn't bother to address the topic... No he just attacked me...


And he has been doing that in thread after thread...


And then Joe's friends come on and Cheer the mod for shutting me up....


I guess they can't handle the truth either...



JOE FALCO wrote on 1/29/2011 7:46 PM:
Sunset lefty wrote:

Falco, answer the question.  Define what good service is and what you are willing to pay for it.  So far as I've seen, you're impressed when a company takes a ball back and replaces it for free.  Is that what qualifies as good service?  Free?  You don't like the new pricing, do what Drrev your sheckels until you have enough to buy what you want.  Or buy it used, whether it has scribe lines on it or not you're still saving money and that's your main bitch after all. 


Response by JoeFalco:

If you are not impressed by a company that takes a cracked ball (that's what we were referring too) and replaces it .. I don't know what to say! NO . I don't like the new pricing and I've said that many times .. the new pricing (as you refer to it) only effects those dealers that were giving the bowler a break .. you may not be one of those bowlers .. I was .. therefore I DON'T LIKE IT! Yes I don't buy USED BALLS and I certainly would NOT BUY one that is scribed. Now if I answered all your comments I'll move on .. sorry I upset you .. your profile says you were trained by Ebonite .. good for you!

Edited by jls on 1/29/2011 at 8:25 PM