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Author Topic: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?  (Read 9647 times)


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I heard a rumor that Storm is going to stop distributing their products to online discount retailers such as,, and will only distribute to authorized Storm Pro Shops because the online retailers sell them too cheap.  I hope this in indeed just a bad rumor. has the Storm Anarchy for $139.99, and my local Pro Shop sells it for $219.99. I am sorry, but that is major difference in price. Of course, I purchased from

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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #61 on: January 29, 2011, 07:46:05 PM »
 Joe your position on this issue has been well stated. 


You will except nothing less than a cheap bowling ball and you have no regard for the person who has invested their time and energy in learning how to develop the product, operate the business where you purchase the product.


It is all about you and who gives a flying flip about everyone else.


The bowler in general does not lose out in this situation.   People who provide better service will end up with more business.  Leeches like you are just going to have to ...



JOE FALCO wrote on 1/18/2011 7:29 PM:

We can look at this in different lights .. truth of the matter is .. The on-line dealers were offering discounts to bowlers .. since Ebonite says YOU CAN'T OFFER THESE DISCOUNTS  .. we the BOWLER is losing out. I believe this is also hurting the on-line dealers since they no-longer can offer the BOWLER a better price. Now the BOWLER NOT HAVING AN OPTION has to pay a HIGHER PRICE then they were though the on-line dealer before Ebonite made this change. It's being called PROTECTING THEIR PRODUCT .. but who are they protecting against .. BUYERS???? Now STORM is jumping on the bandwagon .. why? It's been said .. IT'S ONLY $10 .. now the $10 (as it's being referred too) is only an increase to the BOWLER! I guess it's better in the B/M shops pocket then it is in the bowlers pocket! (to explain: the bowler now has to dish out extra money to either the B/M shops or dish out more money to the on-line shop .. naturally the B/M shop is not making more on the ball due to the Ebonite change .. just the bowler is paying more .. convoluted .. but that's the way it goes! NET/NET the bowler is paying more .. now it seems STORM will follow suite ..why not all the ball companies .. the only one losing out is the BOWLER)


Maybe the companies have the right idea .. get these prices higher before the USBC kills the game entirely!


This was from the thread about this subject in the misc. Section.  

This was part of an interchange about this very issue.

Now that I have reminded you how about answering my earlier questions?


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #62 on: January 29, 2011, 07:58:52 PM »

Please clear up what your asking .. my prior post talks about how bowlers were losing out because of a change made by Ebonite .. are you asking me to explain that again? What has that post got to do with your question? What are you searching for? Perhaps you'd like to talk directly to me .. .. I'm available until about 11 PM then I like to watch the TV news and then go to bed ..if that time frame fits in with you I'd be happy to discuss whatever you choose ..Thanks!

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Storm To Stop Distributing Products To Discount Online Retailers?
« Reply #63 on: January 29, 2011, 08:07:54 PM »
Omnipotent .. Thank you for pointing out my error ..I apologize to Lefty ..

As for you .. I note your comments ..
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!