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Author Topic: Storm = Impressed! 1st time to throw in 5+ years since the Eraser  (Read 1362 times)


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Hey BR Family,

I recently acquire a few balls from Barry (mrbowlingnut).

1. Storm Vertigo (Pin over ring, RAD/MB 1/2" right of thumb with X-hole 5 inches across)
2. Storm Recharge (Pin under ring and CG kicked a pinch out just below midline w/no X-hole)

Pics coming soon & hopefully videos as well.

Gosh, after throwing my buddies' Fired up with the fabulous Reactor Coverstock, I thought, geez, what could possibly be just as strong as the backend I get from this ball. I didn't have high expectations from the two balls I am about to talk about, but I was impressed overall.

Storm Vertigo - I was surprised by the reaction I got out of the Vertigo on a Medium Oiled 35 Foot Christmas Tree pattern with more oil in the middle and some carry down outside. The backends were semi-clean. The Vertigo revved really hard in the midlane and had a profound snap in the back. For a second there, I thought I was throwing my Ebonite The One.

I was impressed by the SFA coverstock on the Vertigo. Does anyone have any info on this coverstock? Staffers, Jeff Carter, Storm Tech Dept., Storm Users, Etc.? I can see some use with this ball on most mediums to medium-heavy. I wonder if the Triple Disk technology in the core had anything to do with the ball revving up so hard.

Storm Recharge - This ball was a few feet longer than the Vertigo and didn't snap like it did either. With the pin down drilling, it had a heavy arc on the backend. Boy did this ball clear the heads with ease. Does anyone have any information on the Monsoon coverstock. For a pearl ball, it has some great hit and could shine on some broken down patterns.

I have a Paradigm (pin over and right of ring with RAD/MB in strong) coming in from T Brockette that is supposed to come in Tommorrow (Thursday). We'll see how that piece matches up for me.

Hmmm...good first impressions so far. Haven't thrown Storm in years and it was refreshing to know that their products still seem to have matched up for my game. Maybe it is time to take the Eraser back out of storage and start throwing it again =)

Take care everyone,
Rammy Sosa
Food is good for you!

Edited on 6/28/2006 6:10 PM



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Re: Storm = Impressed! 1st time to throw in 5+ years since the Eraser
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2006, 11:44:28 PM »
Glad to hear you are enjoying the new bowling balls. Now just watching out for you the coverstock on the Vertigo needs special care, lighty sanding it after every 2 weeks or so with scotch brite or some sort of abrasive thats 800 grit, and major polish is needed. This is one of those balls (like the one) that is like an absorber and if you start loosing reaction make sure you try baking the oil out of columbia's cpr, and I would do this at first signs, my buddy did and his pops didn't, the kids is fine but the fathers ball is just done, beyond revival.

well hope that wall helps you out man, and oh yeah the heavy revving up motion is from the core, anyone of the balls thats had the rad3 really does that (my trifecta) thats getting redrilled revved too hard in the midlane so a redrill was necessary.
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Re: Storm = Impressed! 1st time to throw in 5+ years since the Eraser
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2006, 04:39:27 PM »
If I'm not mistaken the Vertigo uses a modified version of the Accu-tread coverstock, as used on the Deuce.  I had one, and while I loved its even rolling, hard arcing reaction, carry for me was below that of the Big Bully and Ultimate Inferno, balls I was throwing at that time.  It had so much midlane that at times, for me it layed off on the backend.
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Re: Storm = Impressed! 1st time to throw in 5+ years since the Eraser
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2006, 06:50:53 PM »
SFA = Specially Formulated Accutread - its an updated - stronger version of the Accutread found in the Deuce.  Storm only released the Vertigo and the Trifecta with this coverstock in the US.  I personally am sorry to see it go as I am very happy with those two balls.  As far as I can tell they have decided to standardize on EOX as their premium formula (Passion and Paradigm).

Monsoon was a formula Storm used from 2003-2005 that was replaced by (as far as I can tell) Reactor.  I had several Monsoon balls that I was happy with as well, but IMO Monsoon doesn't handle the wet-dry transition nearly as nice as Reactor.


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Re: Storm = Impressed! 1st time to throw in 5+ years since the Eraser
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2006, 10:13:26 PM »
Although i don't throw storm anymore, i do like a few of their pieces, mainly the reactor stuff.  The reactor is some of their best pearl stuff in years, but I'd actually like to see more of the solid reactor.  Perhaps solid reactor with the weight block of the Agent, should be a nice readable piece.  I think the jurys still out on the EOX.  With the cracking problems and some not being fond of its reaction I'd like to see some tweeks.
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