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Author Topic: question on storm balls.  (Read 1945 times)


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question on storm balls.
« on: October 15, 2006, 01:14:57 PM »
hi, someone told me that Storm always produces the same kind of balls, maybe with exactly the same weight block or coverstock and they seldom come out with new weight blocks. He also said that Storm remakes many of its balls, only with a little bit of differences with everything else the same. He said that it's like a music composer composing a song in English lyrics, and then the exact same song in say Chinese lyrics, and then the exact same song again in Japanese lyrics. I hope you get the idea of what i'm trying to say.

No offense to Storm but to what extent to you agree with this?



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Re: question on storm balls.
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2006, 10:15:04 PM »
Well, I can only speak for myself, but I own a Storm ball now and have owned 2 in the past and loved all of them. The technology does get recycled as far as coverstocks and weightblocks go, but they work. They know that their RAD+ weight block works and use it. No need to find something new when something's been proven, ya know?
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Re: question on storm balls.
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2006, 11:36:52 PM »
yeah i strongly agree with you. but i don't understand why many pro shops at my area have completely stopped ordering storm products. i find storm balls really impressive and am willing to purchase a ball. now i'm having trouble because they don't sell storm products anymore(they still sell the cleaners only).


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Re: question on storm balls.
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2006, 08:26:59 AM »
and the bowling myths keep rolling on and on, perpetuated by ignorance.


please learn not to listen to the ignorant; they only wish to pull you down to their level.

Storm had, years ago, a reputation for balls that will clear the heads almost too easily and break hard. Well, darn, have you ever heard a league bowler who DOESN'T wnat his next ball to "go longer and hook harder at the backend"?

Look at their current HOT line and FIRE line of balls. That core is one of the "rolliest"  cores I have ever seen. The new core in the MASTER line of Agent balls is also much more rolly than their previous cores. They makes the balls, even pearls, arc much more than flip.

Every manufacturer makes balls that can roll very early or flip very hard. A good driller can take balls through drilling or surface adjustments to the proper place for your needs and desires.

A little knowledge goes a long way in every facet of this game; a little common sense will take you even further.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: question on storm balls.
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2006, 09:38:31 AM »
and the bowling myths keep rolling on and on, perpetuated by ignorance.


please learn not to listen to the ignorant; they only wish to pull you down to their level.

Storm had, years ago, a reputation for balls that will clear the heads almost too easily and break hard. Well, darn, have you ever heard a league bowler who DOESN'T wnat his next ball to "go longer and hook harder at the backend"?

Look at their current HOT line and FIRE line of balls. That core is one of the "rolliest" cores I have ever seen. The new core in the MASTER line of Agent balls is also much more rolly than their previous cores. They makes the balls, even pearls, arc much more than flip.

Every manufacturer makes balls that can roll very early or flip very hard. A good driller can take balls through drilling or surface adjustments to the proper place for your needs and desires.

A little knowledge goes a long way in every facet of this game; a little common sense will take you even further.

well then it seems that the pro shop owners in my area have listened to the 'ignorant'. many of them aren't selling storm balls anymore, which is a very bad thing as i really like storm.


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Re: question on storm balls.
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2006, 09:53:48 AM »
I agree with charlest we still sell a ton of stoms in my proshop and all are very satisfied with the lenght and backend pop comboo and they really are getting stronger over the years like the symetric fired up is stronger imo conpared to the original x factor so they are getting stronger to keep up with the bowling centers putting out more oil with every year.

I have one problem with storm I believe the covers oob last a decent amoutn of time but it is really hard to resurface them the are almost impossible to get back to even close to oob besides that they do make a very nice product and I have no problem selling them in our shop


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Re: question on storm balls.
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2006, 10:47:21 AM »
Let's break this down into two issues.

Does Storm recycle cores and covers?  Yes, and so does every other manufacturer.  Don't get me wrong - Storm, Ebonite, and Brunswick innovate too, but there is only so much you can do with a 14-16 lb. bowling ball.

The second issue around why certain pro shops carry more or less of a particular ball company is 100% about $$$.  The distributor each pro shop uses has agreements with the ball manufacturers and each contract is different.  See SweetFeet's comments for the rest of the details.  

Another financial factor that comes in to play is demand.  All of the financial incentives in the world go out the window if the Pro Shop's customers demand a particular brand.  I suggest that if you really want Storm equipment then ask for it.  The Pro Shop will get you want you want because they want to make a sale.


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Re: question on storm balls.
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2006, 10:58:18 AM »
Does Storm recycle cores and covers?  Yes, and so does every other manufacturer.  Don't get me wrong - Storm, Ebonite, and Brunswick innovate too, but there is only so much you can do with a 14-16 lb. bowling ball.

Nail, meet head.  Head, meet nail.  Every manufacturer does that.  DT's been using the Vendetta core forever.  Brunswick's been using their Mushroom-ish cores for a long time, too.  Don't even get me started on "lightbulb" cores like the now-defunct Messenger's.  There have probably been as many lightbulb-shabed cores from every manufacturer as all the rest combined.  Storm has found that the RAD-family cores are versatile and high performing, so they continue to use them.

Another financial factor that comes in to play is demand.  All of the financial incentives in the world go out the window if the Pro Shop's customers demand a particular brand.  I suggest that if you really want Storm equipment then ask for it.  The Pro Shop will get you want you want because they want to make a sale.

Add to that that there are simply a LOT of companies and a LOT of balls.  One driller can't be familiar enough with every company to give the best advice on what will or won't work for a particular bowler.  Your shop may know Columbia's equipment, learns about their new releases, and keeps up-to-date on their products and what they're for.  They don't have time to do that with Brunswick, Storm, Ebonite, and all of the little manufacturers out there as well.  So they pick some, learn those products.  Trying to recommend something from an unfamiliar company is a bad idea, considering that there's little reaction-wise that one company offers that two or three others don't as well.  Is there a Storm ball that does what you want?  Sure.  There's also a Brunswick, Columbia, and Track ball that does the same thing.  And your shop knows all about 'em.  

Can't be a master of all companies, and you shouldn't try to be.



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Re: question on storm balls.
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2006, 01:52:05 AM »
thanks for your great advice. you guys are great!