To answer everyones questions, the Uproar is a step down from the Hy-Road Pearl. The Hyroad Pearl has a stronger cover and higher diff core. The IQTP and Fusion are different reaction shapes because of the low rg core. They will start sooner than the Hyroad Pearl but may not cover as many boards. I wouldn't say they were stronger at all, just different. The Hyroad Pearl will be the ball you move in with and chase the oil in front of the pocket. IQTP and Fusion will start sooner and be more ideal for the track area. The objective is to pick the ball that fits your style and what you are looking to do on the lanes.
Blueprint, seeing as how you have a Tour Fusion I would consider both the IQTP/Uproar and the Hy-Road Pearl. One for if the lanes are moving you inward and you need the ball to pop out the corners and one for just incase there's a flood in the middle and you need to stay in the same area with a weaker ball.
I can tell you from experience that the Uproar is a beast. I threw mine 6 shots in practice, struck 5 times and popped a wrap 7. Then took it to city tournament team event and shot 727 with a few more strikes left out there.