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Author Topic: Storm/Roto Layout Questions  (Read 753 times)


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Storm/Roto Layout Questions
« on: April 21, 2009, 05:40:22 PM »
I was looking through the layouts that Roto/Storm suggests and I was wondering a few things.

For asymetrical balls they seem to suggest an actual distance from the PAP for the MB, but for symmetrics they talk about the position of the virtual MB relative to the Track and VAL. Is there any reason you couldn't use distance to the PAP for symmetrical balls as well? I feel it'd be simple and more accurate doing it that way and taking the pin buffer into account.

With the different MB positions being briefly explained relative to the Track and VAL, is it possible to translate those positions into distances from the PAP for the appropriate reaction? For example, the MB 4" from the PAP seems to be similar to the "strong position" since that's the distance they use for strong hook. If it isn't possible to look at it this way, could someone clarify what distances to the PAP means what for the MB?

For Pin Buffer, is it as simple as, "the smaller the pin buffer, the more backend?" I ask because they say a 3 1/2" buffer is for control, and 2 1/2" is for arc. Is the bigger distance even more archy or is it more like a hard arc - a blend of flip and arc?

Sorry it's a bit long and for all the questions but I'd like to learn this method of laying out a ball since I learned the dual angle method first but it's still a bit iffy to me.