GET A TRIFECTA! I'm telling you, don't mess with the Vertigo; The Diablo is too close to your Ace; and the Hot Rod Pro Stock is pretty similar to any medium oil ball Storm makes. TRIFECTA is your answer. I see a weakness at the bottom of your spectrum, however. I throw a Screamin' Banshee, and have found it to be pretty strong... Stronger than what you need at the bottom. Consider something like the Storm Big Hit Pearl for drier lane conditions. I personally throw the Brunswick Power Groove Dry/R on light oil, but since this is the STORM forum, I thought I'd plug the BHP.

But, again, GET THE TRIFECTA ASAP! I think it's Storm's BEST heavy oil ball BY FAR.
Some people say that Bowling is a lot like Golf.

It's fickle and precise, not to mention that the equipment is especially important.

I've been known to break golf clubs and throw them in lakes to take out my frustration...

Do you think I'd get in trouble if I chucked my X-Factor through the pro shop window?