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Author Topic: super sport pearl  (Read 1343 times)


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super sport pearl
« on: November 29, 2005, 03:28:38 PM »
Haven't seen a lot of talk on here on this ball... What does everyone think of the reaction they are getting out of theres? I really like what I've seen from the ball for others and am going to pick one up soon, just would like to see what others are saying about theres (and super sport solids while we're at it).



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Re: super sport pearl
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2005, 06:02:23 AM »
The jury is still out for me.  I was looking for a ball for the game 3 of league as our lane conditions have just gone to h*ll by then.  I was thinking of getting a PowerGroove, but the pro shop talked me into this one saying I'd like the look/hit (he was right -- it hits hard!!) of this better.  He drilled it pin above bridge and CG in COG -- goes long, but still too strong on our flying backs.  Not going Brooklyn, just good shots that ended with UGLY splits!  We're going to scuff it some before league tonight and see if that will help tone it down a little.  After seeing the review in BTM, I was seeing what they saw and I think I'm just in the wrong ball for what I need.


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Re: super sport pearl
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2005, 05:18:19 PM »
pin over bridge can be a snappy drilling as well... I am going to go pin under ring 4.5 inches from pap for mine to dry and get an early roll with a strong arc instead of a snappy backend (already get the other look out of my fired up).


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Re: super sport pearl
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2005, 05:51:52 PM »
I am hearing alot of bowlers swearing how good this ball is for broken down heads, my driller asks me if i want one yet everytime i call or go in. He says ball is much stronger than numbers dictate and ball will handle mediums with no problem more squared up.

I tried a hammer doom instead out and i can tell you that ball is way too strong for broken down shots, so ss pearl is still coming soon.


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Re: super sport pearl
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2005, 11:31:09 AM »
I got to use it quite a bit last night on some toasty conditions at a different center after league.  Took a little bit of the shine off before league to try and smooth the back a little, but never got to use it there as I had a decent look most of the night with my X-Factor.  It's definitely stronger than I want/need it to be -- that being said, once I got lined up, this ball got through the heads very well, and, with the toned down finish, made a smooth little move to the pocket where it carried nicely.  Got to the point where I was standing around 45 throwing through 28 to about 12 at the break and it turned the corner with no problem.  I think it's a great ball -- still don't think it's what I wanted, but, once I learn to play this condition, I just might fall in love with it!


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