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Author Topic: Sure Fire and Rapid Fire comparison  (Read 1113 times)


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Sure Fire and Rapid Fire comparison
« on: February 22, 2008, 02:52:01 PM »
Lets start out by saying 2 great balls (there storms what else could I expect)

Sure Fire is laid out just like the suggested layout on the Track Rising pin under the bridge with the cg kicked way out and a balance hole on or very close to my PAP just so the ball would be smooth. I wanted this ball for a little bit of a fresher shot and I wanted it to be very smooth for the PBA patters and my tighter medium oil tournament shots and the ball does just that

I subed in a league the day I dont it on heaveyish oil wood and I had to play from 11 to about 7 and it hit the pocket well but I couldnt carry this has been an ongoing problem with this house with me since they changed the pattern so I put the ball in the bag and took out my Cherry Vibe and played strait up 7 and still couldnt carry I tried everything and the carry was horrible until the last game so no points against the Sure Fire so after the league I kept my pair and Threw 2 games i was playing 12 to about 6 and the ball faced the pocket beautiful and I strung the first 9 and then just messed up and got a 9 count so not so bad so overall the ball is very very smooth and predictable I have a feeling it will be my get out of the negative pins free ball haha.

Now for the Rapid Fire I had this drilled with the pin up and right of my ring finger with the CG in my grip center same drilling as my fired up and I can play the same line with this ball as the Sure Fire but the Rapid fire goes probably a foot and a half longer and is very sharp on the backend with this ball I could carry with but the reason I didnt use it was because I wasnt getting out of it quite right(I got it the same day as the Sure Fire)so then when I got the tape in it right and I got out of it good I Loved the reaction I saw and the pattern I was bowling on was 42 feet so I can see it working much better on shorter oil


Edited on 2/22/2008 11:52 PM



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Re: Sure Fire and Rapid Fire comparison
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 08:07:58 AM »
Sure Fire is laid out just like the suggested layout on the Track Rising

That's the equivalent of using a Ford owner's manual to maintain a BMW...
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Re: Sure Fire and Rapid Fire comparison
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 12:49:29 PM »

That's the equivalent of using a Ford owner's manual to maintain a BMW...



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Re: Sure Fire and Rapid Fire comparison
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 05:43:57 PM »
Im not saying we drilled it with the rising layout we just used a pin under the bridge I said that just to give a visual


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Re: Sure Fire and Rapid Fire comparison
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2008, 05:47:04 PM »
Im not saying we drilled it with the rising layout we just used a pin under the bridge I said that just to give a visual

And this is the Storm forum... Pin under bridge is visual enough!
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