Maybe it's just me, but for the life of me I'll never understand the true purpose of polishing a high end asymmetric ball, when there are different options to fit certain conditions/reactions.
Makes no sense to me imo, defeats the purpose of the ball, but to each their own.
I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday.
I bought the SureLock as an oil ball. For that purpose, it's not working. It's laboring to rev in the midlane, and I don't like the transition to friction downline. I bowl in a year round sport league with longer patterns, so I know I'm attempting to use it on the right shots. As I mentioned, my Guru's with surface are working fine.
So I have a choice. Give up on the ball and sell it, or play with the surface to see if it's usable for something.
I'm not going crazy with surface adjustments. The SureLock comes 2000 NIB, and I hit it with a 4000 pad for 10 seconds on each side hoping that the ball will roll better, for something. I can hit it harder with a 4000 pad if that seems to be the right direction.
We'll see today when I go up and practice.