Knocking the shine off of a HyRoad will cause the ball to hook a little earlier and potentially also cause a rounder reaction on the backend, maybe not necessarily less, but the duller coverstock will bleed off energy quicker.
2000 will cause an earlier reaction than 4000, and 4000 will cause and earlier reaction than OOB shiny. Hopefully this helps!
I just finished testing my third HyRoad tonight at league, before drilling hit the ball with a worn 500 grit, and then with a fresh 1000 grit, drilled slightly stronger than my second HyRoad (roughly 4x3, this one is about 3 3/4 x 3) and definitely reacts much earlier, but still maintains a lot of the backend reaction of the second one thanks to a deep, flare-increasing weighthole
Andrew Loose
"Technology is anything that's really cool that you don't know how it works, and if it breaks, you have to buy a new one!"