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Author Topic: Surface question  (Read 1170 times)


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Surface question
« on: May 10, 2010, 04:21:25 AM »
When working the surface of a ball that has a 1500 grit surface finsish, Storm says after a 500 grit abralon pad, use a grey scotchbrite pad. There are two grey pads, a light and darker grey. Which one do I use and what grit is this really?



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Re: Surface question
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2010, 01:03:42 PM »
I have never yet heard anyone use the dark grey pad. Not even sure what grit it is.

The light grey Scotch Brite nylon pad is 800 grit US/CAMI (or equivalent to approx. P1600 grit FEPA, the Abralon grading system).
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Re: Surface question
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2010, 01:52:25 PM »
I have perfected my method to achieve 1500 grit polished.

you will need:

500 abralon
storm step 2

sand ball for at least 15 seconds on all 4 sides
then I like to use paper towels but they do fall apart so a rag would work too.

squirt about a quarter size amount of step 2 on the ball
spray rag/paper towel with water so that its just damp
spread with rag/towel to evenly coat the surface
next turn on spinner and use LIGHT PRESSURE for only 15-20 SECONDS

re-spray rag/towel and repeat those steps (another quarter size amount, damp rag, spread it, spinner with light pressure for 15 seconds) until the ball starts to look shiny. its that easy!

now just buff that side dry with a dry rag/paper towel and do the other side. thats it! ball should look nice and shiny just like when it was new

works every single time and is very easy as all you are doing is stepping up the shine of the ball till it reaches 1500 grit polished.

I couldnt figure this stuff out to save me but after seeing someones suggestion of 500 abralon then spreading it out over and over again it worked! thanks goes out to whoever that was.

I have since done my t-road twice and 2 different rapid fires and the owners of the rapid fires love the reaction again. exactly like OOB.

good luck!

Edited on 5/10/2010 1:55 PM

T C 300

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Re: Surface question
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2010, 02:28:37 PM »
that storm step 1/2/3 krap is a waste for tryn to get a specific grit....
ONLY time i have used it was to take the shine off of a ball by hand or to keep a sanded ball dull.


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Re: Surface question
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2010, 06:47:55 PM »
that storm step 1/2/3 krap is a waste for tryn to get a specific grit....
ONLY time i have used it was to take the shine off of a ball by hand or to keep a sanded ball dull.

such is your opinion, but I respectfully disagree.

T C 300

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Re: Surface question
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2010, 06:56:25 PM »
^^^ its cool man.... few years ago my dad was given a quart of each, he never used them so i played with'em...  with a spinner and water they would put a shine on the ball, without water it would have dull and shiney patches...???

the best results i ever got out of them was by hand....

to each his own!!  LOL