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Author Topic: Sync bowling ball questions  (Read 2807 times)


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Sync bowling ball questions
« on: April 26, 2013, 01:08:58 AM »

I'm just finishing up my 3rd year in league bowling and I would like to get a new ball. It's a small league and most of us are just amateurs and bowl mostly for fun. But next year I'm transferring to a college and I am considering taking an intermediate course in bowling and maybe try out for the bowling team.

My first ball I bought was a Storm Tropical 14 lbs and my average was around 150. I am currently bowling with a Storm Hy Road 15 lbs and my average is around 170. My Hy Road is not getting enough hook so I am thinking about getting a Storm Sync 16 lbs because I believe this will increase my hook and average. The lanes I bowl in seem to have heavy oil a lot of times.

One of my concerns with the ball are the factory finishes. I see that Storm Tropical and Hy Road have 1500-grit Polished finishes and the Sync has 4000-grit Pad finishes. I've seen and touched both finishes at my local bowling shop and I'm just wondering how they react to lane conditions. I would also like to know how to maintain the Sync with a 4000-grit Pad finish to keep it in good condition. I've bought storm reacta shine cleaner and polisher but that is for 1500-grit polished finishes. I'm not sure what people use for 4000-grit Pad finishes.

Sorry if these are stupid questions I am still new to bowling.



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Re: Sync bowling ball questions
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2013, 08:39:10 AM »
Personally I think the Lucid or Defiant Soul will give you the bigger overall hook you are looking for while being more versatile overall. The Sync is a great ball, and will outhook these other two on heavier oil, but when the lanes start to dry out it will begin to overhook and become uncontrollable, or....even worse....begin burning up and lose carry.

This second issue is one that many entry level bowlers cannot quite see or grasp....which is why I say it is worse. Many will just keep throwing the ball to the pocket and have no idea why the carry is bad.


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Re: Sync bowling ball questions
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2013, 12:44:07 PM »
Maybe a dumb question as well but how will the sync @ 4000 out hook a strong ball @1500 ?
I know the sync is strong and for heavy oil but @4000 that goes againt conventional surface prep for being succesfull kn heavy oil.

Is there something special about this cover ?
Ive done limited research on it and j have seen it in action but i really dont know alot about it


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Re: Sync bowling ball questions
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2013, 02:00:56 PM »
Linn, I don't think you really want a 16 lbs ball, it can be worth trying but most people usually try a 16 then go back to 15.

If HyRoad isn't hooking enough for you, maybe try taking it to pro shop to get oil extracted by Revivor or something similar and take the polish off the ball as well if you haven't done it already.

I've recently bought the IQ Tour Pearl which has 1500 grit polished out of box finish, I use Storm Reacta clean on both IQ Pearl and VG Nano(same cover as Sync) and it works great so far, no changes in hook compared to previous session.

Just keep in mind if you buy the Sync, you'll have to take better maintenance(Oil extraction/Resurfacing) due to NRG cover sucking all that oil. I've experienced my Nano(same cover) dying due to lack of care. After hours of Revivor and complete resurfacing(with rougher finish) the ball is doing okay now.

bowlerdawg, Only thing I've got to say about NRG cover on Sync and VG Nano, it's that the NRG cover can hook through heavy oil, but it soaks up much MORE oil too.