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Author Topic: Taking a VG Nano to 2000 Abralon  (Read 2456 times)


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Taking a VG Nano to 2000 Abralon
« on: November 11, 2011, 03:24:29 AM »
I'm sure some of you guys have taken a VG Nano to 2000 Abralon from OOB.  Can you tell me how the reaction differed?  Obviously, the ball should burn more energy in the heads at 2000 than 4000, but I'm curious to know if the ball retains it's energy...Also, anyone hit it with 1000 and a light coat of polish? 



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Re: Taking a VG Nano to 2000 Abralon
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2011, 10:55:45 PM »
I currently use my Nano at 2000 AB because the 4000 was too over/under for me.  Also, my house tends to put more oil in the mids/heads so this helps it read better.   At 2000, the Nano will react on the midlane a little quicker but tends to be a little smoother in the backend.  I do notice a little loss of energy on the back sometimes.  However,  I carry well with it most of the time.

The cover takes changes well, so feel free to experiment with 2000 and see what it does.  Never did try 1000/polish though...

My arsenal

Heavy Oil: Storm Virtual Gravity Nano: 2000 AB
Medium-Heavy Oil: Storm Anarchy: 1500 polished
Medium-Heavy Oil: Ebonite Vital Energy: 4000 AB
Medium Oil: Roto Grip Nomad Dagger: 1500 polished

Medium-Light Oil: Roto Grip Rising Star: 1500 polished
Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

MOTIV Venom Shock
MOTIV Tribal Fire


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Re: Taking a VG Nano to 2000 Abralon
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2011, 11:19:49 PM »
I had a Track 607A SE that simply would not match up to me no matter how I tuned the cover. My driller had a VG Nano that was his with very low games that he wasn't using. He wanted my 607A, so I traded it to him for his Nano and all I can say is WOW.  This Nano is unbelievable in control, getting thru the heads reserving energy for the back end, hit, carry, sending scouts flying, and etc. This ball may turn out to be the best ball I have ever had. Just need some more games to verify that statement.


He had the ball at 4000 Grit Abralon and Polished with Pin over RF slighted the bridge and on center line and out about 1" from grip line. I have never had much luck with that drilling or any otehr high pin drilling, and especially with a 4000 Grit sanding and polish. It calculates out to 65* x 4 1/2 x 40* after he shortened the thumb to fit my specs. Bowling on medium to medium heavy oil on synthetic lanes, I figured that I would have to adjust cover down to 1000 grit give or take a bit and no polish as I don't have much hand and revs on the low side of medium.


I tried it like he had it and I couldn't believe how well it worked for me from the very first shot on. As much as I love my Mission and Gamebreaker, I think this ball is going to pass them up. Time will tell as I only have had it for 9 games so far and love it.


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"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: Taking a VG Nano to 2000 Abralon
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2011, 05:50:48 AM »
VG Nano out of the box was totally unpredictable for me.  2-8-10 / washout to through the nose with a slight adjustment.  I was ready to put it in the basement, but a storm rep advised me to polish it.  It settled down immediately and now it is one of my 2 "go-to" balls.  There is a lot of oil in our house, so I go from a sanded World Beater to the polished Nano.  Don't be afraid to tweak the surface of a ball.  If you don't like it, you can always change it.

14lb 15.5 mph at pins 325 Revs. Silver Coach, Ball Driller. In Bag:  Storm Pro-Motion, Hyroad X, Matchup, Code Red.


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Re: Taking a VG Nano to 2000 Abralon
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2011, 07:18:31 AM »
The 4000 OOB is not a true 4000, it has 500 underneath (burgundy scotch brite pad).  If you take the OOB and hit it with a 4000 abralon it will actually shine it a little bit.  The OOB is probably closer to a 3000 or even a 2000 finish reaction-wise.  If you really want to even up the backend and alter the motion downlane, it it with a piece of 1000.  I wouldn't recommend this though unless you're on a flood OR are pretty speed dominant, as this ball has some serious teeth.

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Re: Taking a VG Nano to 2000 Abralon
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2011, 01:15:04 PM »
I'm going to give it another shot at OOB condition - I've only put 10 games on the ball since May...if that doesn't work I'm gonna try 2000 abralon, 1500 with polish, and then 1000 with polish.  Maybe even 1000 by itself.  One of those 4 surface preps should yield something fruitful.


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Re: Taking a VG Nano to 2000 Abralon
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2011, 02:30:39 PM »
I hand scuffed mine with a 2000 ab lightly and it made a world of difference for me




My Arsenal:



Buzzbomb Carnage........45x5x40..............4000

Nomad Solid..................60x4.5x35...........1500 polished

Midnight Vibe............... .60x5x40.............4000 polished

Red Backlash..................70x3x30.............4000 polished

Daredevil Trick
IQ Tour Solid
Lights Out
Hustle Ink
Viral Hybrid


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Re: Taking a VG Nano to 2000 Abralon
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2011, 09:13:15 AM »
I used it this past week with mixed results - some of it operator error....


I'm taking it to 2000.


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Re: Taking a VG Nano to 2000 Abralon
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2011, 09:41:57 PM »
I think I've got a good matchup for my game now.  I used this ball tonight at 2000 Abralon playing deeper than I ever have and the ball hit like - wait for it - a truck.  The ball retained it's energy for the backend as if it was polished.  I thought it would burn too much energy at the higher grit..very happy to be wrong.  Now I know - the ball will retain it's energy at a higher grit. 
Edited by LookingForALeftyWall on 12/21/2011 at 10:45 PM