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Author Topic: talk about of your best balls for conditions, like : light oil - medium oil - heavy oil  (Read 1705 times)


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Sometime ago.. i read here a review about the x-factor realoded, so i buy it .. next day.
I read about the new balls, but i need to know what ball is better for a singular condition like light oil, medium oil or heavy oil, i think this maybe help us to go in the right direction when we need a specific ball for a specif condition.

I can talk about my experience with the x-factor realoded for medium to heavy oil, is great i drill  with themost agressive drill pattern.
And the new balls like parading passion is really good in heavy oil in condition out the box, if you need this bowl to play in medium oil pattern just polish  to 1200 finish, and the balls go long and  the bakend is great!

I buy the fired up and use for medium and light patterns, the balls have great reaccion in the heads, its great for this conditions.

Well i hope this can help anypone  who read this post, a talk about your experience.

See ya!



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yes my arsenal looks like this now

Light- Hot Rod Hybrid

but it will end up looking like this by the end of the year

Heavy-Passion/New Agent
Heavy Medium- Trifecta (i have a NIB one the one i have now is an experimental ball)
Lighter Mediums/big hooking mediums- One of the Thunderstrucks
For aresnal and stats check profile

-MOTIV Staff


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Heavy, nothing is better than the Total Shock and Awe IMO. (I have not tried the EPX though)
Medium Heavy, Brunswick Vapor Zone
Medium, Hammer Raw Doom or Pyro (the verdict is still out???).
Medium light, dont really have a favorite here I use either my dry ball (Tropical) or my medium ball) (Doom) Usually just use a different hand position and/or deeper line.
Light/dry, Tropical Strom.

Edited on 6/13/2006 9:19 PM


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I use all my equipment on all conditions except for my Hit. That is for burnt lanes only. Just depends on what angle gives me the best carry
Just another bowling fool


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Alright as you would expect I am all Storm....Here we go...
For Heavy Oil With Any Backigm Passion...
For Medium Heavy With Any Back---X-Factor Ace
For Medium to Medium Low With Any Back---X-Factor Vertigo
For Low Oil With Any Back---Flash Point
For Stripped Lanes--Team Storm Black
AIM: chief damarus
Current Average: 196/Game: 286/Series: 714
Balls: Storm