I know this is just a matter of opinion but I figured I would start a conversation between storm nation and whoever else that may be interested in expressing their thoughts about this topic. This will be very general and not very detailed. Starting in 2008 storm and roto grip truly started to put together a dynasty. I personally have owned these bowling balls Whether bought, won, or given to me. Cell, Virtual Gravity, Virtual Energy, Nano, Hyroad, Victory Road, Crossroad, Frantic, Tropical Heat, Infinite Theory, Defiant, Lucid, Sync, Marvel, Prodigy, Reign, and Natural. I look back and think to myself, "WOW what an arsenal!!!!!" But now that I have started getting more involved in drilling my own equipment and understanding layouts, the high performance solid bowling balls are not nearly as versatile and useful as the mid performance bowling balls. With the exception to the cell orginal and marvel, every solid bowling ball I have owned by storm has less versatility and forgiveness. I personally have won more events and racked up more honor scores with my victory road, hyroad, and frantic than even some bowling balls that are considered better such as the virtual gravity which is storm's all time leading seller. I do not see how that is possible knowing the hy-road has been out for 4 years.
I just wanted to show my personal experiences with the products I have owned. regardless of what company you thrown, I would now like to hear from other bowlers out there.
Do you agree the mid performance bowling balls are extremely under rated? Y
Do you believe bowling companies should focus more on these lines? Y
Are companies becoming to involved in trying to produce stronger equipment?
What do you think about the Stronger bowling balls now-a-days? and would you consider weakening the coverstocks a bit?
What are your thoughts about companies continuing to increase the hook potential of High performance Balls?
This is really just more of a conversation starter.