Prodigy with surface modifications.
Use a 1000 pad on all 4 sides, followed by 2000 on all 4, and finally a 4000 on all 4 sides. Finish with a little Reacta-Shine. This will knock down the surface profile of the stronger R2X cover, giving you a surface profile similar to the Reactor on the Agent series. The core is very similar in ball motion as well.
I have an Agent (has about the same amount of games on it as my Prodigy) drilled the exact same as a Prodigy. I have the Prodigy at box, and the Agent at 4000(well used pad)by hand. The Agent is cleaner to the spot, and is more angular down lane. When there is enough oil on the lane, the Prodigy gives me the same look as the Agent, as the Agent pushes through the breakpoint. By cutting the cover, and adding polish to the Prodigy, you will get as close to the Agent, as you possibly can, considering the advancements in cover and core technology since the release of the Agents.
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA