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Author Topic: Thinking of Trying Storm Balls  (Read 1075 times)


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Thinking of Trying Storm Balls
« on: October 19, 2007, 03:39:32 PM »
I have been a Hammer fan ever since the original Fab Black Hammer.  I currently have the Black Widow solid and Doom.  Thinking of giving Storm a try.  I'd like to add to my arsenal before actually replacing.  The house I am bowling league at this year, is a little oilier than last year.  That, and the possibility that my Black Widow might be dying on me...I'm looking at a new ball.  Like I mentioned, the new league shot is oilier, and the BW has been pretty much a down and in ball here.  Still hits hard but looking for something to add to that.  Leaning towards a Domination or Special Agent, but open to any suggestions.  If anyone has any thoughts on something to ADD to the above mentioned arsenal, that would be great.  Or even a possible replacement for the Black Widow?  Again...I am looking for something that can handle a little more oil...but certainly not a flood.  I wish I knew all that other "tech" stuff, but I don't know/understand that stuff that well, so I can't add that info here.  So some general input would be great.  I would consider myself, average speed for 48 yr old male.



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Re: Thinking of Trying Storm Balls
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2007, 12:09:25 AM »
A friend of mine has the special agent, and this ball really impresses me with its predictability, power, and carry. Not something easy to do.

  He has good speed and really likes to roll the ball.  Ball clears the heads easily ( after some polish), reads the mids extremely well, and has the hardest arc/smoothest hook best finish combination I have seen in a while.

 Even has me thinking about one....

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Re: Thinking of Trying Storm Balls
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2007, 03:01:34 AM »
I haven't used either, but I would suggest either the Special Agent or the T-Road Solid. Both could handle more oil than your BW and both are very predictable. I see both in my current league, and they're great solid balls. Both carry very well and are amazingly consistent in performance. The T-Road Solid will hook less overall but handle the same amount of oil. If I had to choose, I'd say go with teh Special Agent. The core revs up faster and is mucho continuous through the pins.
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Re: Thinking of Trying Storm Balls
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2007, 11:40:26 AM »
IMO the Special is a very good ball and would be a step up from the Black Widow. On shots where I can throw my Special I'm typically 3-5+ boards deeper than people who have more hand and are throwing Black Widows. I have above average speed and medium revs - I'd probably be considered a low end tweener or power stroker.