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Author Topic: Thunder Struck & Dark Thunder?  (Read 3570 times)

Fluff E Bunnie

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Thunder Struck & Dark Thunder?
« on: June 01, 2006, 04:05:35 AM »

Is the Thunder Stuck ball a wide release version of the Dark Thunder, only purple?  I was hoping they would release the Dark Thunder as a main release...  It is one sweet ball.  I own one and it looks like I am going to have to get some more before they go away for good.  

It looks like there are some slight variations, the Thunder Struck comes polished to 1500 and has some slightly different numbers.  It looks like it has the same core, but the Thunder Struck has a solid reactive "Reactor" coverstock and the Dark Thunder has a solid reactive "Monsoon" coverstock.  

Do you guys know the difference between these two balls?
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Re: Thunder Struck & Dark Thunder?
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2006, 07:09:44 PM »
MAgic Is right The Cover Difference will make the balls pretty different.If you had a thunderroad and a thunderstruck I would think they Would both Rev up in the same manner But the Thunderstucks breakpoint will be down the lane further with some kick.And If I remeber Right the Bark Thunder Is a Origanal Black thunder Remake not a thunderroad Remake.And btw those who havent thrown a black thunder and a thunderroad they Rolled Very Different Even though The weight Blocks were similar

Interesting!  Thanks for clearing that up.  I can't wait to see what these balls do when they come out.
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Parker Bohn III
Bohn up a Storm!!!
According to the pics I've found, the Dark Thunder has the Thunder core, flipped upside down -- which makes it a Thunder Road. So it's a remake of the Thunder Road, except it has the Monsoon coverstock instead of whatever the Road had (Curelyon?)
