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Author Topic: ThunderStruck Observations - UPDATE  (Read 826 times)


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ThunderStruck Observations - UPDATE
« on: October 03, 2006, 12:37:31 AM »
Had a chance to shake this one down on differing conditions in the same house. Local center is installing new Pro-Anvil II lanes and I threw it on 3 variations of the same condition. One pair was just finished and oiled (35 feet buff to 40, THS with OB right of 5), One pair had about 15 games on it, and one pair had significant carry-down (about 50 games - due to construction, not stripping just yet). Needless to say, first pair had ripping back ends. Ball was WAY too much off the spot on this condition, no matter how deep I got. Really had to flatten the hand to calm it down. Usable, but not needed (Had the lane with my Fired Up). Second pair was still jumpy but ball really responded with a softer release from 25(arrows) to 8 at break point. After a couple of games on this pair, was able to really open up the lane as we got more carry down. Ball seems to love the carry down. Now, on the 3rd pair, I think I found this balls comfort zone (Happily it was mine too!) Was able to square up a little (15 at arrows to 10 at the break point), and I could not miss. Ball really seems to respond to the longer oil. Was going to dull up the cover, but I think I will just drill another and dull that one (See drilling in my review). Looking forward to using it on true long patterns just to see how she reacts. Sorry for being long winded, but was pleased to see just how versatile the ball is with just some slight release adjustments.  I think this ball would fit in anyone's arsenal, IMHO.
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!