Well last night I decided to go out an practice a few games although my knee was hurting a little. Second game I throw, I throw a 278. I was playing about 18-8 or 5, had about 3-5 boards of room, and it was with new pins. I went X X X X X X X 9/ X X X 9. Both 9/'s were 10 pins as the last one I tried moving my feet and rolling with a diffrent hand position, and the one in the 7th frame I got a board out to much and I called it... another 10 pin. If anyone needs an AWESOME benchmark ball then this ball is definitly a winner. Im pretty sure I will shoot my first 300 with this ball. This ball is GOLD and as I told someone before, you can play up 5 or swing across and play 35-5 lol. No matter what, it CONSISTANTLY carries.
Edited on 8/31/2006 11:50 AM