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Author Topic: Thunderstruck Solid + Scorpion = Good?  (Read 1057 times)

Fluff E Bunnie

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Thunderstruck Solid + Scorpion = Good?
« on: June 03, 2008, 04:05:05 AM »
Um, I am not sure why but lately I am having pretty good success with a Thunderstruck Solid kind of pointing it around the 1st arrow on the Scorpion.  I have never been able to do very good on this pattern with any ball/line combo.  It confuses me why this ball is working.  I guess the difference is that now I am playing outside and sort of riding the oil in instead of trying to play around the track area with earlier rolling equipment.  I am also using it in its box finish.  Weird.  This hasn't really been my primary go to ball on any sport condition so far more for a house shot.  
I try using my other stuff and play the same line and it seems to want to hook too early.

Now if I could ever figure out the Viper...  One can dream.

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Dan Belcher

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Re: Thunderstruck Solid + Scorpion = Good?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 02:22:09 PM »
When you're struggling with your reaction, often you can take a weaker piece and move right to take some of the lane out of play.  On the Viper last week, I was playing in the first game, but as soon as the carrydown hit after a game and a half, I moved way outside and pointed it off the gutter, going over the 4 board at the arrows and just riding the oil line.  The lanes were playing really tight, so I was doing this with a weaker drilled Cell, but the concept still applies.


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Re: Thunderstruck Solid + Scorpion = Good?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 08:40:46 AM »
Ah, the joy of defining your PBA pattern.  Nice work for both of you!

I myself enjoy doing that also, once carry down hits, I'm just pointing the ball towards the pocket and letting it hit that hold area.  Once that's gone, back to where I started the day.

Edited on 6/4/2008 8:46 AM
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Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Thunderstruck Solid + Scorpion = Good?
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2008, 10:57:34 AM »
It's pretty interesting because I don't think I would have considered playing this way before and I probably wouldn't have tried this ball either.  Now I kind of want to try that Viper again because it always started out OK and then quickly spiraled out of control for me.

Maybe my mistake before in moving right was that I would try to play too straight up the boards and probably with my revs I need to help the ball get there a little more.  Now the ball is crushing its way in there.

Anyway, with this line I actually had a little miss room and got a bunch of strikes and 9 counts which I normally don't get on the Scorpion or Viper.  Ah, carry and easy spares for a change instead of trick shot spare exhibition.

Hey Dan, you have a Cell now?  What do you think about it compared to the Special Agent?  I am thinking of getting a Cell around the end of summertime or something.  I am semi concerned that it is going to be the same ball but with the core I can do something interesting and different with the layout I am sure...
"When in doubt, pull out." - ESPN's Rob Stone

Dan Belcher

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Re: Thunderstruck Solid + Scorpion = Good?
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2008, 01:01:30 PM »
Yeah, I punched up a Cell two weeks ago.  Pin under the middle finger, somewhere between 5.75" - 6" away from my PAP, MB around 3" from the PAP.  Left it at the box finish, 2000 abralon.  It's about 5 boards stronger than my Special Agent (it'd probably be a little closer if the Special Agent didn't have so many games on it), VERY smooth off the breakpoint, VERY continuous.  It's the best ball I've ever thrown.  Especially with the weaker layout I put on it, it just plain does not overreact off the dry, which opens up a ton of area on a house shot and gives me a little more miss area on a PBA Experience shot.  Carry is very good.  It's hard to directly compare it with the Special Agent because of the different drill schemes, but I'd say overall it's an even smoother, more consistent, stronger Special Agent.  Amazing ball.