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Author Topic: Torn on equipment  (Read 2127 times)


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Torn on equipment
« on: December 03, 2008, 11:28:00 PM »
Whats up guys, I have been VERY torn the past few weeks on what to drill. I took some time off from the game, I used to be an All American in college and a solid regional player, then took some time off for personal matters. Now i've been back bowling heavy again for about 1 1/2 years. I have basically been throwing all Storm stuff except for a stupid Gamebreaker which is a spare ball. All of my stuff is dead, my bag right now is 2 Dominations, T Road Pearl, 2 Fired Up's, Tropical, Blue Thunder, and 2 Thunderstrucks(solids). I absoutley am in love with my T-Road Pearl and TS Solids. On a flatter pattern I love the way they come off the spot with such energy. Here is my dilema

I want to drill either 2 Cell Pearls, OR 2 Hyroads. Drill them different obvisouley. I am a huge fan of drilling a ball multiple times that I like. From what I read and see, the CP is a beast, but the HR is more like a TR Pearl. Which ones should I drill out first, I'm looking for them to be smooth thru the heads with a nice arc motion in the backs. I have been told I have a hand like a Jeff Carter with very similar ball roll, so i'm ready for feedback, pleae help me my friends!!!


Dan Belcher

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Re: Torn on equipment
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2008, 07:34:22 AM »
From what I have seen, the Cell Pearl is definately a couple feet longer and more angular than the Hy-Road, and probably about five boards stronger.

If you're looking for a "nice arc motion," you'll probably have better luck getting that from a Hy-Road than you will a Cell Pearl in my opinion.  (Not to mention it sounds like you match up well with the Thunder line cores)  Also, remember, for comparison's sake, the Hy-Road is a solid/pearl hybrid version of your T-Road Pearl, so it'll be a little earlier, a little smoother, and capable of handling a little more oil than the T-Road Pearl.


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Re: Torn on equipment
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2008, 07:41:43 AM »
Dan, thanks for the help. Here is another situation I have. I bowl in a place where the shot for me normally starts off at the 5th arrow, and its a 5man league, where the breakpoint always stays at 10. Just to get it there, I'm chucking a BlueThunder over the caps by the end of the night(which i'm good at) But when I go bowl a tournament, where they are tight, and I HATE dull equipment b/c it burns too soon for me, do you think I could take 2 Hyroads and just drill them to react like a CP or something agressive when it comes off the spoT??? Remember whichever one i'm going to drill I am most likely punching 2 of

Dan Belcher

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Re: Torn on equipment
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2008, 07:45:31 AM »
Honestly, your best bet may be to learn how to take some hand out of the ball when necessary.  It sounds like you're backing yourself into a corner by relying so much on strong backend motion to create entry angle.  Spend some time with a coach learning how to decrease your axis rotation and rev rate some, which will allow you to move back to the right, read the midlane a little more, and get a better entry angle into the pocket.  This is what you see a lot of the pros doing these days -- the big hook can only get you so far.  It's good to be able to do it when you need to, but it's also good to move back right 10 boards and not have to hook the whole lane with weak equipment.


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Re: Torn on equipment
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2008, 07:53:19 AM »
Dude not to sound like a J.O. but I know how to bowl, and know how to do everything you said. I am just asking for advice on equipment to punch. I would RATHER stay right and play the track but in some places in NY and NJ its hard b/c there is not enough in the heads. But as I said earlier, I am starting to get back into the game after a layoff, and now I am trying to build my bags again. And planning a trip to the Roller in January and want new stuff before the trip.

I was leaning more to the HY then the CP b/c I felt in my reading and seeing the ball that it could be more versatile than the CP, am I correct? I am also a guy who believes in midline stuff and drill it stronger than punching high end stuff, but the CP looks so f'ing good, got me now, lol???

Dan Belcher

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Re: Torn on equipment
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2008, 08:00:02 AM »
Calm down man, I'm not accusing you of not knowing how to bowl.  I'm suggesting other options aside from spending $200 and punching up another bowling ball.  Coaching is a good investment for ANY bowler, not matter how good or bad they are.  You complained about how the lanes are tighter during tournaments, yet you're lofting the gutter cap with an ancient ball in league.  My honest advice is being more versatile with your delivery so that you don't have to loft the gutter all the time.


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Re: Torn on equipment
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2008, 08:03:03 AM »
Sorry, but league is league and i'm always going to be 225, in tournaments its the old school method right to start and move left as you cross. Its tougher now then it was a few years ago because this game went from a game and now its a science of drilling balls and knowing surfaces and crap, real pain in the rear. Sometimes I feel like when I goto my shop and ready to drill that i'm going to drop $1000 on balls just to have all angles covered

Dan Belcher

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Re: Torn on equipment
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2008, 08:12:57 AM »
OK, fair enough.  So, it sounds like you're more likely to switch balls than make a hand position change when your look starts to go away even if you need to stay in approximately the same part of the lane, hence the different layouts on the same ball.  That leads me to another question.  You want two of the same ball with different drills, but you mentioned you want both to be "smooth thru the heads with a nice arc motion in the backs."  Did you have any idea what kind of drills you're going to use to differentiate the two balls?  Planning on making any surface adjustments?  That might help us understand better what exactly you're looking for.


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Re: Torn on equipment
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2008, 08:21:42 AM »
Well the main reason I took time off was due to an injury to my right arm, I tore all the tendants in it, fell at home, long story so its hard to make hand positions like I used to but still do it with trying to get the least pain than I can take. As far as drills goes, the TR pearls and TS that I have are pin downs, and I prefer pin down stuff. Honestly, I am no scientist, and I dont get the whole idea of layouts and what not. My fav layout is on an original Inferno where the pin is below the bridge and a weight hole somewhat clsoe to the axis. I am at 5 3/8 x 0. SO i was thinking maybe one with that layout pin below the fingers, and maybe one with a pin up over the middle or something inthat family.


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Re: Torn on equipment
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2008, 09:23:28 AM »
Get a Gravity Shift or 12.  You won't be disappointed.
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
Check out this blog
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