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Author Topic: Tour Nano vs. Fusion  (Read 3024 times)


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Tour Nano vs. Fusion
« on: January 24, 2015, 12:09:51 PM »
Looking into buying a tour nano. Already have the Fusion and the tour. Looking for a ball that lets me get left and be able to play in, on the lanes.  I like to usually play more straight but it is almost impossible to have a consistent reaction when playing out. The center I bowl is a extreme wet dry pattern. I can usually move in the 3rd game with my hyroad pearl but ball skids too long the 1st 2 games, if I play in. It seems like there is so much more room inside, then when you play out, at this bowling center. Took the Fusion down to 1000 grit to try and play in but leaving a lot of 10's due to the dull surface. I am hoping the tour nano will let me move in to start the night and still have enough pop to kick out the 10 pin. Also considering the Guru and the Dream On. Going to El Paso soon so I also want to get something that will work on that pattern. Any ball choices for a ball that will let me move in, and not hit weak are appreciated. Thanks!!



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Re: Tour Nano vs. Fusion
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2015, 08:00:45 AM »
Based on what you are saying, if you need to add surface to the Fusion to be able to play in, and it doesn't strike, then it sounds like you need more core that will produce more flare. There is a good chance that the Fusion just is coming in behind the head pin because the core isn't facing up quick enough. Sounds like you like your Hyroad pearl  for game three, so two possible solutions would be to wait for the Rocket that is coming out in February, or if you want to drill something now, a Hysteria with maybe a touch of surface (I would try it at box finish first though).
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Re: Tour Nano vs. Fusion
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2015, 09:56:07 AM »
I think I have my ball choices down to these 3. Guru, Thug Unruly or the Dream On. All of these should let me move in and have plenty of pop to kick out the 10 's. I might wait to see what the pattern is like in El Paso before making final decision. Anybody who has thrown any of the balls listed above, i would love to know your thoughts on them. From what I have read looks like the Guru will be a tough ball to beat for oil.


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Re: Tour Nano vs. Fusion
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2015, 10:23:01 AM »
I second what TommyGN said.

The IQ tours are not in general move in deep balls.  Too little flare potential!


PS go see a video by Bowler X on Youtube comparing the Storm Punch out vs IQ tour Fusion.  You will see why IQ tour ball is excellent for going fairly  direct, not so much deep.
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Re: Tour Nano vs. Fusion
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2015, 01:18:49 PM »
Dream On looks like a real good ball
Daredevil Trick
IQ Tour Solid
Lights Out
Hustle Ink
Viral Hybrid