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Author Topic: transition ball/3rd game ball  (Read 1318 times)


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transition ball/3rd game ball
« on: November 08, 2009, 02:26:22 PM »
I currently bowl in 2 leagues. 1 is a 3 person league on fresh oil and that house I have issues in the 2nd gm.  If the volume is there for the 1st  and i use  the VG the the 2nd & 3rd are all good for the VE but if i have to start with the VE then game 2 goes funny and 3rd i get it back. ave 207 gm1 208 gm3 and 180's gm2.

the 2nd house/league is a 5 man team and I find with bowling on the other league my arsenal ended up getting too strong for a full team league.  I can swing but then end up 50-50 on splits (drive thru pindeck).

Looking at either  Natural or Fast.

My arsenal currently is
VG, VE, The Rising, Toxic, Hex-plosion



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Re: transition ball/3rd game ball
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2009, 04:23:31 AM »
a little more help...

I have less than 45deg AR and low tilt also (for A game.
Release for A game is up the back, hand under ball thumb at 12-1.
speed is around 16 to 18 mph
and if i had to guess my revs would be around 260-290's

Feet position starting approch 8 boards left of center, drifting 3 boards right at foul line. the drift is consistant always 3 boards no mater where i try to play.

Will try other hand position (and or finger positions) this Wed.(the 5 man team drier shot) but still think i have too much ball. only so much can be changed by hand alone.

Doug Sterner

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Re: transition ball/3rd game ball
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2009, 12:48:44 PM »
I have a similar problem with 5 man leagues but I am not able to use equipment as aggressive as you can.

I have been using a Lane 1 Red Death pin over the middle finger and cg under's a 6x4-1/2 layout. This gets extra length and doesn't flare up so hard that it is uncontrollable on the backend.

My other favorite is a Lunatic drilled pin under ring 4x3. I cna hold this ball inside the oil line all the way and it won't overreact down the lane.

You have several options.....

1. move inside of everybody else with a ball that doesn't turn too hard on the backend
2. use a much weaker ball in the area where everyone else is playing
3. move outside of everybody witha ball that gets good length and has an arcy backend reaction
4. change your release to add more tilt and thus more push down the lane. the ball will come off the corner harder but if you can get added length, the flip should be workable

If you were going to buy a Natural I would say drill it fairly strong (like 4x4)and then control the reaction with surface.

If you get a Fast I would suggest you go to one extreme or the other with the layout...I would suggest a pin 2" off your PAP with the cg on the midline. This will still get long (due tothe nature of the coverstock) and will turn the corner but won't be super snappy. The other option is pin under bridge (approx 5" or so from PAP with the cg kicked right just enough to not require a weighthole.

Keep us posted.....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling

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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Randy T

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Re: transition ball/3rd game ball
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2009, 01:19:54 PM »
how about a Natural especially if it's a 5 person team.

Thats what I use and it works really well


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Re: transition ball/3rd game ball
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2009, 01:33:16 PM »
i'm leaning more toward the natural, because of it would have a completly diff look to the pocket then anything else.

Thanks for the drilling sugg.

Thats an area where i'm try'n to learn more, one of those that hope the pro shop driller(s) gives me what i want and tend to find out they drilled it somethin diff but then wont give the measurements.



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Re: transition ball/3rd game ball
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2009, 01:38:15 PM »
with the Natural and a 4 x 4 drilling, should the pind be up or down.

How much of a diff would it make on this ball?


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Re: transition ball/3rd game ball
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2009, 09:17:12 AM »
I still haven''tmade up the choice .. the list of balls has changed.

Columbia Freeze
Storm Hy Road   can get in by 11/17 and drilled for 165.00
Storm Fast

A proshop guy was tryn to tell me a burn would be good.  I''m thinkin it would be a waste to drill it weaker and not be too long (like my toxic is too long with carry down)

not to make my choice harder but any other suggestions ok (just not any Big B balls)

Edited on 11/14/2009 10:22 AM


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Re: transition ball/3rd game ball
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2009, 12:33:19 PM »
I have a VE drilled weak, pin up and a Natural, drilled pin under. The VE is 1000 abralon, polished with Bean's sauce. Makes a smooth predictable move in game three of our five man league. It also retains energy and has no problem kicking out the 10 pin.

The Natural is not as angular as the VE. Predictable arc. Only problem is if I get it too far right, it will leave a week ten, no doubt. The Natural handles more oil than I expected. Between the two, its a toss up. I can tell you that the VE looks totally different with the week drilling. I picked it up used, and did not bother to plug and redrill it. The layout is something like 6.5 x 4. I did not know how the ball was going to roll, but I am surprised and very much pleased with the look.

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Re: transition ball/3rd game ball
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2009, 01:32:37 PM »
I find in my 5 man team league, it's better to let everyone else start migrating left, while I stay right with a weaker ball. Right now that ball is a Hammer Blue Vibe, but I'm thinking of getting a Storm Natural next.


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Re: transition ball/3rd game ball
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2009, 01:59:17 PM »
well i'l find out if i made the right choice by Wed.  Found a local shop that will sell me a Freeze for under $90 drilled.

Now to fig out the drilling for it.  Been a while since i threw a columbia ball. woried the long/arc or long & strong will be too long but i have a few days to deside.

Any sugg.