Well i acquired this ball about a month ago. I have bowled on a few different patterns and it just did not match up. Shark, short and long THS's and a wide open THS. I've had the ball at 1000, 1000 shine, 2000 and 4000 abrln. It seemed to never pick up in the soup and the second it hit the dirt it was gone. It made my over-under wet/dry hell house shot play tough. I was about to chuck it in the garbage but i decided to change surface one more time. this time i went with 1000 shine & hit the back flair lines with 1000 pad to knock the shine off. BAM!!! it was perfect. i crushed em last night and was able to play deeper and create more angle than anyone in the building. If you are experiencing this same over-under rxn do as i do.
Drew Jordan
Columbus, OH