
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: BuddiesProShopcom-Chris on July 10, 2005, 12:58:08 PM

Title: Trifecta Mini Review
Post by: BuddiesProShopcom-Chris on July 10, 2005, 12:58:08 PM
Ball specs: Pin 1.5-2 (1 7/8), top 2.2, pin, cg, and rad inline

My Pap and track diameter: 4 3/4 over no up or down, 11 3/4 diameter

Layout: Pin 4 1/2 from PAP, Rad 5 inches from PAP, pin 2 1/4 inches above center of grip. No balance hole needed.

Threw this ball on our house shot which is 29 feet live oil buffed out to 41 feet. This ball cleared the heads better then any of the previous dull X-factor series balls and also had a much stronger break point. Compared to my Vertigo with the same layout I was 3 boards more left with my feet using the same break point. My Vertigo tended to roll and stop in the backends a bit this ball just never quit. Each time they make a new X-factor I tend to like them more and more because each one seems to give more of a stronger entry angle or a sharper break at the break point. I sometimes have had problems with the asymetricals because they are designed to start up faster in the fronts then symetrical cores. This coverstock seemed to allow the ball to clear the heads with ease. This week I will shine the Trifecta and add to this post. I am interested to see how much overall hook it may lose but most of all see how much stronger of the break point it may be.