Okay guys i have a Storm Hot Rod Hybrid and its great, but my problem is it takes a game sometimes two of league before i can get a good reaction out of it because of the medium-heavy shot of oil we have (chris barnes bowled here once, use his EPX T1 over action, not long ago (a few months), he just came in and bowled because he bowled against my high school when he was in school) and said thats a pretty heavy shot of oil, and it wasn't even the heaviest they put out, so with that said i'm looking at a ball similar to the banana type reaction i get with my hybrid but a ball that can handle more oil
I'm a tweener
Medium Revs (more than our average league bowlers, not a cranker though)
About average ball speed around 17 or so
Not a real high tracker but about 1 and a half from the thumb hole
Really not looking for a real high end ball here, any company perferably storm or its sister companies (Roto and Dyno-Thane)
thanks inadvance guys
Current Average 183
Current Balls: Storm Hot Rod Hybrid 15lb