BIG BIG diference!! Ok I had put up my drilling and a few posts for this ball and wasn't very happy with it.After a few suggestions from you guys i had it redrilled to this.
Pin * CG+ Balance hole#
==0*0==== #
Pin to PAP 4/1/2 ins, Pin above and in the middle of bridge, balance hole to the right,and had it taken up to 1500 wetsand.Played last night on the same condition as last week. On practice i could see a big difference in the shape went much longer then made a strong move to the pocket.I stand first arrow left of centre and played between 2nd&3rd ball went long then made a sharp turn in.Took me a game to get used to it 186 with 3 opens 2washouts and a split.2nd game 224with 1 open split, 3rd game 254 realy got used to it by then 664 set very happy.I'll keep it at 1500 for the time being and see how it goes but this is a much better drilling for my style Stroker/16mph.

Hit em thin watch em Spin

Edited on 8/9/2005 3:29 AM