Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: BowlerKidR on July 19, 2005, 10:31:06 AM
Its up on the storm website
"Strike for show, spare for dough"

Im A Hammer Head 100%
Got our VIP ball in today...sure smells nice! It looks alot like the old ElNino one new color. Not sure if my shops owner is going to drill it yet, but we will see.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Hi guys my first post here on the Storm site. I'm getting the Trifecta this Saturday.It was my my 2nd choice as i couldn't get the GP2 but my buyer/driller
assures me it will be good for my style,Stoker/tweener.I have had some storm balls before some of the Super Power range and found them ok. I know this is a new ball so no reviews on it as yet. I think its the one up from the Vertigo and the reviews on that are here's hoping
Hit em thin watch em Spin
I have seen one in my pro shop last week, but undrilled. Probably a VIP ball, too, especially here in Germany? Looks very similar to the Vertigo, and smells heavily! Reminds me of my Trauma, but the vanilla touch makes it even sweeter. Phew!
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
Yep, right. It looks kinda dull, especially since it is so similar to the Vertigo. The light brown engraving does not look nice either. Ugh!
I suppoase it will not sell well, simply by the looks and an unclear performance differentiation from the Vertigo.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
Cinnamon-Vanilla. Close to the Trauma, but with a very sweet touch of Vanilla.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
Hey my wife is as ugly as sin but she does everything right
this ball could be the answer to my heavy
Hit em thin watch em Spin
Right now I am throwing all Storm stuff, and if I am able to purchase a new ball, I might go ahead and get something actually "NEW" (instead of all the used stuff I tend to buy). The Trifecta might be the ball, but I still haven't made up my mind yet.
The one person I think of from your proshop could most definitely make any ball look impressive. There are three that I know of there, however, you said "he" so that cuts out one. The other two are pretty good too compared to her... hahaha
I'm not even supposed to be here today...
When your arrows come up, good luck and good bowling.
Well i'll be bowling it on Sunday in a tourny on synthectics normally plenty of oil. Let you know how it goes. I believe its a vertigo with a particle cover.

Edited on 7/21/2005 10:47 AM
I drilled mine a bit stronger than my vertigo's and it reads a little sooner and more controllable on the backends for me. Rolls through the oil much better and not skiddy like my shined vertigo but a very nice ball. Will be using it this weekend on the pattern 5 Regional (44' Pattern) pattern in PA on HPL synthetics. On the brunswicks we have here it gives me a great read on the same pattern and matches up well to my triple X drilled the same way.
Billy Ray
I havent quite decided how i'm having it drilled yet i have my AI drilled with pin under ring finger and get a nice early roll with a good arc to the pocket.Will i get the same result on heavier oil drilling my Trifecta the same way. I'm a stroker/tweener bout 16mph not a lot of hand. Any ideas welcome thanks guys.
Hit em thin watch em Spin
I havent quite decided how i'm having it drilled yet i have my AI drilled with pin under ring finger and get a nice early roll with a good arc to the pocket.Will i get the same result on heavier oil drilling my Trifecta the same way. I'm a stroker/tweener bout 16mph not a lot of hand. Any ideas welcome thanks guys.
Hit em thin watch em Spin
Yes earlier than the original AI in the oil if you leave it out of the box.
I have mine drilled similarly to your AI.
Billy Ray
who cares what a ball looks or smells like? It's a ball... lol.
Enough people that there's a reason there aren't many brown balls that smell like poo.
That's exactly what it is.... same core, just a particle version. It's designed to hook up earlier then the Vertigo, and roll more.
Sorry charlie but u are wrong. Its not the same core. YEs it has the same name, but the core, if u look at it, is different. The Vertigo has a square box type of cube thingy added to the side of the weight block. Notice how on the Trifecta its not there. THat means the cores are different.
"Strike for show, spare for dough"

Im A Hammer Head 100%
Well had my Trifecta drilled today with this drilling and a small balance hole to the right and below the thumb see if it works tomorrow in a tourny.Hoping for a nice early roll and strong arc to the pocket.
Pin +
CG *
Hit em thin watch em Spin
Edited on 7/23/2005 4:26 PM
Edited on 7/23/2005 4:29 PM
Same core as XXXtreme. But Stronger Particle cover, should be sooner and handle oil better than the XXXtreme.
"We Are The Legions of the Damned,
The Army of the Already Dead,
We Are The F.O.S."
Its just a modified Vertigo Core
"Strike for show, spare for dough"

Im A Hammer Head 100%
A direct quote from Storm Staffer Ryan Shafer..."In the 5 years i've been with Storm, this is the most impressed I've been with a bowling ball." "It has the midlane of a Vertigo, with the backend of a Fired Up. It made the long oil Junior Gold pattern look stupid." These are direct words from him, this morning. I will see a couple in action within the next week.
*Erie Community College bowling*
Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.
5th Annual Western New York Junior Bowling Camp. Run by Mike Westfield, Coaches include Brad Angelo and Ryan Shafer.
MoRich 4ever!!!! If you don't have one, try one. You won't be disappointed!!!
Well its in my bag 8-30 Sunday morning off to a senior tourny now,I'll play at least 10 games. Not sure how many i'll play with the Trifecta but normally plenty of oil at this house, but its going to get an airing.Will find out the condition set down and give you a Stoker/tweeners review of how it went.Be back in 14 hrs, long day

Hit em thin watch em Spin
Don't understand why is Storm producing so many Master line ball that is for heavy oil and Brunswick (Inferno) is doing the same for medium oil ???
Don't understand why is Storm producing so many Master line ball that is for heavy oil and Brunswick (Inferno) is doing the same for medium oil ???
Well what do you want? I mean think about it, when a company comes out with a new product, for instance, a new core, they want to show case the core in a great ball. Most companies believe that a great ball is a heavy hooker. Which would explain why this happens. It goes on everywhere. Ebonite did it in their XXcel and XXXcel, Storm in their Vertigo and Trifecta, Columbia did it with the Bully and Big Bully, Track with their Rule GP2, MoRich did it in their Weapon of MAss Bias, and Total Shock and Awe, Roto Grip is doing it with their Epic. Its really not that hard to see.
And then once a core is proven to be successful, they put that core into many other products, including non heavy oil hookers. For instance, the entire Titanium nugget cores that Columbia, Track and AMF used. The Bully core from Columbia is now being introduced is a mid-priced ball. Hammers core that was used in the entire Diesel series was great, and is being introduced in their new Heavy Hooking monster the Hawg. But this is also occuring in new Covers. The Cut Throat Coverstock from Hammer was introduced on the Real Deal. It was proven to be great, and then released in their mid-priced line in the Saw and Razor Blades, and then released in a high preformance ball the Big Deal.
Really, its just like everything else in life is about, MONEY. Everything is about making money. A company takes either a coverstock, a core, or the name from a very popular released series, and uses it to introduce a new product, and for most companies a popular line is their High Preformance line, which equates into a heavy hooker. yes it is a bit different for the inferno line, but it is what sells. Lets look at it, they really dont make balls for the Medium condition only. Theu have the Intense Inferno and Blazing Inferno for light, they have the ultimate Inferno for heavy, and then the Raging Inferno for med-heavy, and then they have the Origional Inferno and the new Smoking Inferno for med oil. So i really dont know what you are talking about.
"Strike for show, spare for dough"

Im A Hammer Head 100%
Edited on 7/25/2005 12:14 PM
Well i've had 13 games with the Trifecta now, i'm a stroker/tweener with not a lot of hand and posted my drilling on this a few messages back.Played 10 in a tourny on Sunday plenty of oil very long was a struggle to get any turn. first 2 games 205/216 then i must admit played on the worst 2 pair of lanes in the house 3/4 & 1/2. Normally we would move 4 lanes right after each pair of games well i went from 13/14 to 3/4 then 1/2 bad organisation.Shot a 360 on 3/4 then 390 on 1/2 played down the boards only way i could get any movement but no noticable finish. Made the cut in 17th got another 4 games. I decided to slow my shot down even more had a lot more success 790 over those games.Played 3 games last night on a similar condition in league. One game with my Trifecta still no great finish played the last two with my AI same drilling and got a much better turn when it came off the oil with that. So i'm a little dissapionted just now maybe a different drilling may be better for me dont really want to sand it down.Anyone got any ideas..thanks
Hit em thin watch em Spin
With me not getting the reaction i thought i would get with the drilling i have,(see a few messages ago)what would you suggest would be a stronger drilling for me. A diagram would be helpful thanks guys

Hit em thin watch em Spin
I just drilled one up and used it at a regional and on a few house shots. Its a big pin drlled about 4-1/2 X 3 with the cg located almost in line with my mid line of my grip and my pap. I thought this would give me a little length but with roll (because of the advertised agressiveness of the cover) and a contious back end, close to a stacked layout but rotated the RAD towards my PAP...
I am definately going to plug and redrill this one. The ball IS a lot of ball but not as much as you would think it is. I have to say that I am a little dissapointed at this point. I don't know why they left off the little nub at the top. After the sucess of the Vertigo I thought this would be an overall improvement from that on heavy oil on tough conditions but it seems to me to be a little step backwords...
I don't know, maybe once I move that pin under my ring or go 3-3/8 X 3-3/8 I'll see the dynamics of this ball come to life....
Just my $0.02,
I Have that drilling pin under ring and not getting any real reaction on it.
Just had it sanded to 500 going to try that tonite and see if there is any difference. I'm just as dissapointed as you, we pay a lot more here than you do for a ball$250, could have picked a ball up for $30 that does as much. My first new storm ball...probably my last
Hit em thin watch em Spin
Please do not give up on this ball. Ryan Shafer told me that this ball is he best he's thrown in 5 years. He and Storm Rep Chris Schlemer both recommended using pin to PAP distances of at least 4 1/2" on this ball because it is so aggressive. The ball is 6 feet earlier thatn a Vertigo, with the backend reaction of a Fired up. Try using pin above the finger layouts, and try to keep the RAD mor towards your midplane than your VAL. If you need, take the ball up to around 1500 wetsand. Your must realize that this ball needs a ton of oil OOB, so don't be discouraged if it's not hooking on your THS, because that's not what the ball is meant for. Don't be afraid to tweak the surface on the ball.
*Erie Community College bowling*
Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.
5th Annual Western New York Junior Bowling Camp. Run by Mike Westfield, Coaches include Brad Angelo and Ryan Shafer.
MoRich 4ever!!!! If you don't have one, try one. You won't be disappointed!!!
Ok i'll see how it goes tonite if no difference my driller will be there as he bowls in the same league i'll go for your drilling.Willing to try anything right now.
Hit em thin watch em Spin
That's pretty interesting, my layout is pin above the finger. I have thrown enough balls, especialy storm stuff, and I know when a layout doesn't work for me off my hand. It's on the plug bench right now and I'll try a different drilling... I'm sure its a decient ball but so fat its not the absolute beast that its being marketed as, at least not this particular ball... I know this ball was from a first run or atleast one of the firsts. Was one that was sent to a shop and it ended up in my hand and I know that these samples are not sometimes the best of the lot. It is a 4+" pin and while I chose it because I thought I could do more with it, in this case the long pin put the top of the block in a place that for my game is alomst an impossibility for me to get the ball to start up early enough yet retain energy at the break point. After I drilled the ball I went and tossed it in a house that was playing long to test the ball in the oil and both the shop guy and myself agreed that we just didn't see what we expected to see from this particular ball. We have an idea and if it works great, it might change my mind to a degree but for the time being at the very least the cover/core combo on this ball makes for sensitive layouts for players.
More later after I do the redrill,
Tried it again with a 500 grit i dont think i have the speed to get it down the lane. Looked like soggy marshmallow goin down and hit like tennis raquet with no Going to have it with the earlier drilling that Traumitize suggests the 4/1/2" pin to pap and polish it up to 1500 wetsand and see how it goes. I'm only desperate now not panicking yet.

Hit em thin watch em Spin
Edited on 8/3/2005 1:31 PM
Saw Trifecta versus Vertigo today. Real good bowler bowling his best.
The Trifecta was earlier with less backend...Vertigo was slightly later slightly more backend.
Particles to me always seem to have this exact characteristic!
After redrilling and doing some testing I would say that I am not impressed with this ball as much as I was with the Vertigo.
Drilled it pin under with the CG and RAD kicked out right and an X hole on the PAP.
I have to try it polished but first thing, I don't think that most centers will put enough oil out for the THS to get this ball down the lane, second the ball just doesn't seem like even in the oil that it will retain enough energy to cary. All in all I think that I made a mistake gettting this ball. it doesn't seem to be a ball that works for my game...
BIG BIG diference!! Ok I had put up my drilling and a few posts for this ball and wasn't very happy with it.After a few suggestions from you guys i had it redrilled to this.
Pin * CG+ Balance hole#
==0*0==== #
Pin to PAP 4/1/2 ins, Pin above and in the middle of bridge, balance hole to the right,and had it taken up to 1500 wetsand.Played last night on the same condition as last week. On practice i could see a big difference in the shape went much longer then made a strong move to the pocket.I stand first arrow left of centre and played between 2nd&3rd ball went long then made a sharp turn in.Took me a game to get used to it 186 with 3 opens 2washouts and a split.2nd game 224with 1 open split, 3rd game 254 realy got used to it by then 664 set very happy.I'll keep it at 1500 for the time being and see how it goes but this is a much better drilling for my style Stroker/16mph.
Hit em thin watch em Spin
Edited on 8/9/2005 3:29 AM
Well this ball is improving all the time since i had it altered. League last night And i might be the first with the Trifecta to have 3 consecutive same scores..236..236..236..708. Not as much oil last night as on Monday but was able to play a little deeper and still was able to get it back and hitting hard, very happy right now.

Hit em thin watch em Spin