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Author Topic: Tropical BREEZE. How long have these been around?  (Read 6058 times)


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Re: Tropical BREEZE. How long have these been around?
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2011, 05:52:08 PM »

themagician wrote on 5/2/2011 5:42 PM:
Its awfully hard to make that statement, i'm sure Storm did extensive testing to decide what they wanted to do with the Breeze and exhausted options to find a happy medium of what will give a mild reaction but still be enough to allow the ball to be an entry level piece that will sell. 

While many of us would love something really mild there isn't a huge market for that and the companies aren't going to get away from what sells. 
River700 wrote on 5/2/2011 5:36 PM:Well, since the hot rod was a pretty good ball(I have two) core and cover matched good, going to a ball with less flare but the same decently strong cover like storm just did with the tropical breeze is a mistake.... That's why I said storm should of brought back the curelyon cover or accu-tread to put on the breeze. It would of blended the core and coverstock a lot better. But oh well...lolz!!

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Then why did soo many people not like the original tropical storm? Storm did lots of testing with them too, but still, if we look at the balls today especially with the entry level and lower performance balls their covers and cores match up really well. Theses balls don't have too strong of core or cover and it shows in the reviews. 
We just have to do the best we can with the current stuff out there or hold onto older balls that still work!

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Re: Tropical BREEZE. How long have these been around?
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2011, 06:40:04 PM »
Tropical Storms sold well....for one reason. Who they were marketed at liked them for the smell and color...not the performance. Before they came out, Power Grooves sold well and had similar reaction characteristics. They went into the tank due to popularity of Trop Storms....

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Re: Tropical BREEZE. How long have these been around?
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2011, 11:39:13 AM »
I have a tropical storm, and on these boards have said it over and over again, it is a great ball at a great price.  I have the pearlized version, and for most of us bowling on a THS, this ball is more than enough.  It is a lot stronger than it is advertised, but with the pearlized cover and a hand position change it will go very long before making it's turn to the pocket.  I've had tremendous success with the lightbulb core, or a modified lightbulb and I am looking to add more equipment of this type.  I'm thinking that the Tropical Breeze will be an even better step down for bowling on second shift.

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Re: Tropical BREEZE. How long have these been around?
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2011, 10:02:34 AM »
The Tropical Storms were a great ball, especially for league conditions and shorter sport patterns.  I used a Tropical Storm a couple of years ago ( Blue/Yellow) and got a whole lot more ball than I was looking for.  That's not necessarily a bad thing,  but it was for how I intended to use it.  I'm tempted to give the BREEZE a try because I'm thinking that ball might roll like I intended the Tropical Storm to roll when I bought it a couple of years ago.  Simple light bulb type core with no flip block hopefully equals smoother reaction downlane. 

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Re: Tropical BREEZE. How long have these been around?
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2011, 03:26:20 AM »
@chawk15, the Tropical Breeze black/teal (solid) is smooth as butter. This ball allows me to find the dry zone and not fear it jerking and being uncontrollable. I even lightly scuffed it with an old 500 grit pad during practice and she was still cruising down the lane.

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