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Author Topic: Tropical Heat Solid...sharing the excitement  (Read 2374 times)


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Tropical Heat Solid...sharing the excitement
« on: January 16, 2013, 11:06:00 PM »
I bowl in a house that that mostly calls for weaker equipment.  Extreme wet dry at the beginning of the night at the end of the pattern which is sparky at 35 feet to start.

So much so I find pearls unusable early even the weakest cored ones!  Have been having moderate success finding the pocket nearly every ball and having some pocket consistency with  with my Sonic X solid and the carry has been good but not great.

So I thought I would get a moderately stronger cored solid and get to it!  Thus this Tropical Indigo Solid.  Left at box which is listed at 1500 with polish, it looked a little too much in practice.

With 3 lefties on the lanes the shop quickly got soft on the back as the oil pushed down.  The Sonic X would NOT carry and I would not pick up a 7 pin!  4 opens to start.  Guessed throughout the rest of the game and finally said after another flat 7 and miss to start game 2.  And then a spare frame 2.

To myself "Stronger solid.  Try it".  8 of the next 10 with one soft 7 miss.  Next game tried something else thru the 3rd as ball started looking too strong.  Back to it in 4th with a 2 and 1 move and 7 of 9 with only a 7 pin and 6 pin.  There was a good amount of ooohing and ahhing the opposing team while watching this balls move and hit!

Though each game was only 220 range each game had two opens.  9 in a row was possible in both games and actually looked like it was going to happen.

I've found my tophat solid for when the Sonic X solid doesn't have the backend to carry.

I may weaken the coverstock to 2000 with polish to get the Sonic X solid and Heat Indigo a touch closer.

Area, carry, and smooth strength all the way down the lanes.  A strong rev up from the turbine core is obvious also.  This is a lovely piece for the middle to lighter volume top hat wet dry where one needs more than your lowest core strength ball but still wants hard revving smoothness and hit!

For me petal to the metal on the speed, keeps this thing in the pocket and smashing the rack! 

Oh by the way drilled 4 3/4 X 4 1/4 which is stacked under the ring finger for me!


PS this ball seems to get tackier during the set.  Is this a quality of all reactives or only Reacter shell?  I searched far and wide for a ball with these specs of higher rg and moderate diff on a solid and I am estatic with what I have seen so far!
PS thanks millertime storm22 and others for their direction in an earlier post.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 08:59:53 AM by LuckyLefty »
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Tropical Heat Solid...sharing the excitement
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2013, 08:24:05 AM »
Glad you found it useful for your release. Kind of shame but it's been discontinued a while back. I hardly even see any available new or used on Ebay which usually has tons of discontinued balls. The closest is probably the dull Tropical Heat Hybrid or the Freeze Solid. Even though it has an even lower differential, I've found the Motiv Ascent Solid to be an equally great ball for controlling the backend. I'm using it regularly on a Kegel medium oil sport pattern in one of my leagues.
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Re: Tropical Heat Solid...sharing the excitement
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2013, 08:24:59 AM »
Glad to hear you are liking your new Heat!


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Re: Tropical Heat Solid...sharing the excitement
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2013, 09:12:26 AM »
Charlest and Millertime....

Thanks,  I believe much more to come!!

Charlest I also have a Motiv Ascent solid, might have worked the other night as I have it polished up for a little straighter head direction than my Sonic X solid and slightly more backend.  But whether it could have kept up with this area creating Heat...oh I don't know.

As to my question above....I think I found my answer.  Regarding Comparing the  Furious with it's R2S to this ball with same core and Reactor.  Saw reviews by TommyGn right here on ballreviews and comparing to the Street Rod which looks like it is exactly this Tropical Heat Solid except for color. page 1

On page 2 of the above reviews Earzbroken and tamer bowling are describing sort of what I am seeing from the heat on our lighter volume pattern and what Millertime299 was trying to describe for me!  Occassionally our pattern is wetter in the heads....hmmmm a Furious also!

So much great help out here!  Appreciated!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Tropical Heat Solid...sharing the excitement
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2013, 10:23:26 AM »

Just a brief note about the Ascent Solid. Supposedly the stock surface is now 2000 grit, but I've learned that Motiv is sort of following Storm's and RG's lead in that the 2000 grit surface is not your normal 500/1000/2000 sequence but a 360/2000 which makes its quite a bit rougher and earlier. I found much more utility using it when I changed the surface to 500/1000/2000. I have not tried it with polish as it is very useful on this sport condition now
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Re: Tropical Heat Solid...sharing the excitement
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2013, 10:53:27 AM »
I too love the Indigo Heat.  I picked one up from buddies when they were on clearence.  I don't generally match up well with solids, but this one is spot on.  It has a really good midlane read, but gets through the heads easily.  It really digs in and is very continuous.  I have to say, I was plesantly suprised with the ball.  I drilled it pin in my ring finger to use on lighter patterns, and I'm happy to say it is a very good benchmark ball.  When an original gravity gets too strong, or my Anarchy is too "squirty", the Heat is nasty.  Shot 299/790 with it a few weeks ago with some other high 700 sets over the past 3 months.