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Author Topic: Tropical Heat Solid versus Manic  (Read 6118 times)


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Tropical Heat Solid versus Manic
« on: December 12, 2012, 01:23:47 PM »
A little background.  I create a good amount of ball reaction.  Lots of side roll, decent revs and softer speed.

All of sudden lately I have been using balls like a Sonic X solid and Pearl and an Ascent solid to bowl OK.  As you know most of these balls have diffs of less than .030.  Lanes not so wet and not so long of a shot say acting 35 for awhile.  Lots of over under at the end of the pattern!  The Solids really smoothed it out.  My Sonic Boom Pearl is humungous on this pattern for me and works if I really get the petal to the metal!  Often over under because of the strong acting dry at the end of the pattern.

I have been intrigued with following the differences from the Furious, The Tropical Heat solid(same ball?), the 2 Furious(New core NOS and coverstock R2S), and now the Manic(same ball as 2 Furious but finer grit?)

Liking my new Natural and it's turbine core and roll.  I thought this same core with a reactive might be less of a step up in ball power than a step up to the Manic with it's lower RG core and R2S coverstock

Could some of the Storm experts explain some of the differences they see between the Turbine Core of the Tropical Heat and the NOS core of the Manic.  And the Reacter Solid Coverstock On the Tropical Heat and the R2S Solid on the Manic.

I appreciate your informed and helpful storm advice!



Just looking for a modest step up between the Sonic X
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Tropical Heat Solid versus Manic
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2013, 07:56:06 AM »
Update on this ball.  and thanks to the above posters!


PS anyone own the Tropical Heat solid and Furious and note difference?  anyone own the Tropical Heat and the Rotogrip Shooting Star and note a difference?
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana