
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: Juggernaut on February 23, 2006, 02:00:15 PM

Title: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: Juggernaut on February 23, 2006, 02:00:15 PM
Wanting to try one of these. I bowl on a medium-light medium condition most of the time ( unless the oiler is out of whack).

 If you can, just compare this ball to other pearl balls you may have thrown.
Title: Re: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: bstone on February 23, 2006, 10:30:19 PM
my bro got one to go longer than his ace, hotwire combo which it fits very well. carrydown is one drawback it encounters weakening the hit, but if the whole lane is dry then this ball shines. it is stronger through the pindeck than he expected though, very hard turn and finish. has a fired up as well-tropical is a couple boards tighter adjustment than fired up.
"The difference betwen porcupines and bowling centers is that porcupines have their pricks on the outside."-unknown

"You have the mind of a 4 year old, and he was happy to be rid of it!"-Groucho Marx

"Here's a man with an open mind, and a hole in his head to prove it; Mr. Know It All!"-Rocket J Squirrel

Edited on 2/23/2006 11:20 PM

Edited on 2/23/2006 11:21 PM
Title: Re: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: ImaRedbird on February 23, 2006, 10:35:55 PM
I got a black/cherry one for the light conditions because i bowl on the same conditions as you, and i must say it is very strong, i got it drilled standard label and the turn is VERY HARD. First game i shot 230. Not bad.
Stop Crying, Shut Up and BOWL!!! Everybody throws  gutterballs back to back at one point in their life Getting Zero is an accomplishent that you should be proud of!!!
Title: Re: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: EboHammer4ever on February 24, 2006, 05:50:30 AM
You have to drill these balls pretty weak if you want them for drier lanes.  I drilled mine with the pin above my bridge and CG in the center of grip and this is by far the weakest drilling for this ball.  Lets me play right up the twig but when it reaches the backend, it revs up very hard.  I drilled one for my friend pretty much the same way but with the pin under the bridge and it rolls up a good 5 feet shorter then mine.  Very touchy little ball but I think mine will work good for dry lanes.
Title: Re: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: ChrispyBrownies on February 24, 2006, 09:21:32 AM
my friend on my team has one and we call it "the spare ball that hooks"

when you can see your reflection in your strike ball, its probably not gonna be strong. . .
Its hard to play with an inferno and not get burned. Last time I threw my inferno, the opposing bowler definitely got burned.

Scout Reactive(Blue/Gold)
V2 Sweet
Original Inferno
Intense Inferno
Smokin' Inferno
Scorchin Inferno

Title: Re: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: Juggernaut on February 25, 2006, 05:19:25 PM
Thanks for the replies.  I am still thinking about this one, but am leaning more towards it now than before.
Title: Re: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 25, 2006, 05:44:41 PM
saw one last night on a longish light volume pattern on anvilanes.

The girl throwing made it look real good.  Very similar to a Scout reactive etc but the breakpoint is much earlier 5 feet. Looks like a hell of a steal for the dollars!


PS I could see one being useful to me!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: Billy Ray on February 25, 2006, 07:09:26 PM
Best entry level ball for the buck. If you have some hand and bowl tournaments its an awesome investment. It complemented my hotwires extremely well! Cleaner through the fronts and stronger backend than the hotwires!
Billy Ray
"Let Us Help You Become More Competitive"
Title: Re: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: Juggernaut on February 26, 2006, 03:16:36 PM
Done deal!  I am gonna own me one, just that now, I need to know if there is any difference between the color combos.

Title: Re: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: CHawk15 on February 26, 2006, 10:48:19 PM
The reaction is the same on all of the color combos.  This ball works great for me on dry lanes, which is what I bought it for.  When the front part of the lane burns up, this is usually the ball I go to.
Title: Re: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: ImaRedbird on February 27, 2006, 12:36:31 AM
get the black and red one-Great smell and the ball is SEXYYYYYYY.

I bought a b/r tropical and the company sent me the red and purple one- didn't smell very good and i didn't like the colors, and they sent me the one i paid for. Close to a month since i had it and you can semll the ball emanating from my locker
Stop Crying, Shut Up and BOWL!!! Everybody throws  gutterballs back to back at one point in their life Getting Zero is an accomplishent that you should be proud of!!!

Edited on 3/8/2006 1:42 AM
Title: Re: Tropicals---Just how strong are they?
Post by: jdhaze on March 07, 2006, 10:51:47 PM
Has anyone tried sanding the ball?  I have mine drilled pin over and slightly to the right of ring with no weight hole.  The ball gets good length with a firm but arcy turn into the pocket.  However I also have a Smokin inferno, and they overlap too much.  I was thinknig of either sanding the ball, or using ruff buff on it.  I need something to handle carry down better when the Smokin isnt finishing well.   I originally got it as a light oil ball to fit under the Smokin, but as mentioned its too strong for that right now and im trying to find a fit for it before I sell it off.
