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Author Topic: update on RAPID FIRE  (Read 1626 times)


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update on RAPID FIRE
« on: March 18, 2008, 08:28:05 AM »
   RAPID FIRE updated review from Jeff Richgels, Storm regional staff
   I finally figured out how to strike - and a lot - with my RAPID FIRE. Because it has the FIRED UP core I was under the assumption that I had to go in and around it with the RAPID and all I've been getting with that is a lot of 9. Changed surfaces multiple times and changed weight hole and pretty much always got to the pocket but just a bunch of 9 - and mostly hard 9 like ring 10s and solid 9s and solid 7s.
   I averaged 263 for 5 games in leading this little scratch tournament with a SPECIAL. In the title match I hit a pair I hadn't bowled on and it was tighter in the middle than any I had bowled on all day - solid 9, strike, ring 10, double, greek church (bad shot) and guy has the front 8 and I am done by the 8th or so. So I grab my RAPID and just try rolling very straight up the oil line about 13-14 board – NOT IN AND GOING AROUND THE OIL! Wham, wham, wham, wham. Little wide - it rolls up high flush. Little in - it skates down and holds flush or blows the rack. Hmmm. But only 5 shots or so.
   Next day I am bowling a scratch tournament in another old wood house with a big middle puddle. 67 over after 2 games but under cut by 5 pins. In and hooking it with a PARADIGM. Gal on my pair is wrecking yanking up 12. So I grab my RAPID and roll it up 13-14 and ... front 8, ring 10, strike, 4 pin for 269. Wow. Same reaction as Saturday. (BTW it is back to polished.)
   Last weekend used it late in regional qualifying playing straight up between the gutter and 5 depending on the pair and had a decent look. Almost shot 300 one game and almost dug out a big hole to make the cut.
   RAPID clearly is a ball that works best (at least for me) playing a relatively straight trajectory and letting it roll to the pocket. Great ball for playing outside, rather than the in and go around it ball I assumed it would be. Am told that is just the way the R2S cover matches to the FIRED UP core for me.



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Re: update on RAPID FIRE
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2008, 04:33:02 PM »
Great shooting, Jeff.

Nice to see the entry-mid performance stuff getting their props.
The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.



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Re: update on RAPID FIRE
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2008, 12:30:30 PM »

Great write-up, as usual, on the Rapid Fire.  Would be curious to know how yours is layed out.

Probably ought to do a little write-up myself...

My first Rapid Fire is layed out with the pin under the bridge (right around 4 3/4" pin-to-pap for me) with the CG swung out at 45 degrees and a weight hole on midline around 5" from the pin.  I first tried this one at 2000 polished and had "this" (hold your arms up in the air and cross them and make a big letter "X", and that's what I had...) reaction, it was not pretty.  This reaction was on a lighter volume house shot, as well as a broken down house shot with a little higher volume.  
Since this obviously wasn't the reaction I was looking for, I tried a surface change down to 2000, no polish.  This is where the ball stands out for me, still gives it decent length due to the longish pin-to-pap, but the surface lets it stand up a bit and still hook in a decent volume of oil.  This Rapid still makes the corner and drives through the pins despite being at 2000 long as there is some head oil, I can get as far left as I want, feed it to the breakpoint, and just watch it rip back and still drive through the deck.

I liked that reaction so much that I decided to drill a second one this week, pin over the middle finger (around 5 1/4" pin-to-pap) with the CG swung out at 45 degrees and a weighthole just below my midline, at 6 3/4" from the pin.  Since this was a 4.5-5" pin, I was able to get away with popping a weighthole that far away from the pin and still keeping it over the middle finger as I wanted.
So far i've only thrown this one for about 10 games, and i've kept it polished, but it definitely gives me a nice amount of separation from the first Rapid.  This one is much cleaner through the heads (due to the polished finish, the longer pin-to-pap, and the pin up vs. pin down), and still gives that very similar hard arc on the backend.  

I've found that I can circle the lane with both Rapids, as well as play a little straighter (only on heavier volumes with the pin-down sanded Rapid though) up the boards, fortunately for me the core/coverstock combo allows me to have two very versatile, yet strong balls that can read in the mids and not over-react on the backend.  
Also, this ball seems very responsive to hand position changes, if I change to a hand position to promote more side roll, the ball gets further downlane and conserves more energy for the backend.  If I go stronger with my hand position, the ball rolls up a little quicker but still makes it through the pins without quitting.
Andrew Loose

"Technology is anything that's really cool that you don't know how it works, and if it breaks, you have to buy a new one!"
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should


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Re: update on RAPID FIRE
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2008, 03:52:36 PM »
Ah, the RapidFire and the Norm Duke line sounds like an winner to me! Go to and watch the RapidFire vid and what Norm says about and you will wonder why you didn't do this from the get go!


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Re: update on RAPID FIRE
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2008, 08:42:19 PM »
Nice report Andrew.

The RAPID I reported on in this post is drilled with the pin above the bridge, 5 inches from my PAP, with the CG 3 1/2 from my PAP, with a 5 inch pin buffer. (My coordinates are 5 1/8 over and 3/4 up.)

I just drilled a new RAPID today (haven't thrown it yet). Pin is above and left of my middle finger (weak drilling for control like a VERTIGO I still use a lot), 6 1/2 inches from PIN to PAP, 4 1/4 from PIN to "MB" (where mass bias would be if you go 6 3/4 from PIN through CG), and a 6 inch pin buffer.