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Author Topic: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels  (Read 7294 times)


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(For reference my PAP is 5 1/8 over & 3/4 up my A game rev rate is about 325 with average speed)

      VIRTUAL GRAVITY review

      VIRTUAL GRAVITY 6 pin to PAP, 4 7/8 key to PAP, 5 1/2 pin buffer

      After speaking with Storm's Ernest Goedicke and my doubles partner and Roto staffer Steve Richter, I was almost scared of the VIRTUAL. They cautioned me that I needed to drill it weak or it would be too much for my game on all but very heavily oiled conditions.

      So I drilled mine with the pin above and left of my middle finger, the CG about in my grip center and the key to the right of my thumb. I left it box finish (4,000).

      I bowled over the weekend in a 2-day tournament at a house with Pro Anvilanes. The pattern was a modified house shot. Based on my ball reaction, my feeling was that the oil was piled up in the front with not much in the midlane as there was little hold when going straight but a lot of squirt if you got in and sent it right. Yet the dry to the right was pronounced enough for overreaction on shots sent too wide too quick.

      I used the VIRTUAL for the first seven frames and went back to it for a couple of shots in game two. Even with the weak drilling it still was reading too hard off the dry boards. I struck on five of the first seven shots but the two that didn't were a weak 10 that I got too wide for instant rollout and a 4-pin that went very hard off the breakpoint on a shot I grabbed and got in. Despite my weak drilling, the VIRTUAL made a very strong move at the breakpoint and was noticeably slowing down as it got close to the pindeck, indicating how hard it was grabbing the lane.

      I probably could have made the cut using it for much of the 8-game block but knew I had balls that would give me better reaction and put it away. The lanes were hooking more on Sunday so I left the VIRTUAL in my bag.

      As advertised, I would say the VIRTUAL is a few boards stronger than the DIMENSION. I was 4 and 2 different between the two. The big difference – obviously since they share the same coverstock – is the asymmetrical core of the VIRTUAL, which gives it much more of a dynamic revving action and movement.

      Since this pattern was what I would consider middling in oil volume, I am certain I'll have plenty of opportunities to use the VIRTUAL.  

      And I think it will be an awesome ball for those who are speed dominant and/or rev challenged. If you throw it hard and are searching for a ball that will read the lane quickly and strongly on heavy oil, the VIRTUAL should be your ticket.

      The VIRTUAL's movement through the pins was what I like – rolling and generally keeping the pins low. I don't generate many messengers so I'm not looking for a ball that splashes messengers all over.

      I have another VIRTUAL that I am thinking I will drill with pin under the middle finger and the CG kicked directly to the right. Another weak drilling, but with a different look.



      HY-ROAD review

      HY-ROAD 5 pin to PAP, 5 7/8 "MB" to PAP, 3 7/8 pin buffer ("MB" = point 6 3/4 from pin through CG) I left it box finish shiny.

      After watching Norm Duke win the World Championship with the HY-ROAD I couldn't wait to drill mine. Talent difference aside, my reaction was very similar to what Norm's roll pattern looked like on that TV show.

      One of my favorite balls is a T-ROAD PEARL with the pin over the bridge and the CG in my grip center so I did my HY-ROAD the same way. (I tried a couple of T-ROAD SOLIDs but never got a lot of use for them as box finish they were close to my SPECIAL AGENTs and I preferred the SPECIALS and shiny they were close to the T-ROAD PEARL but with slightly less carry, although I did use one shiny for an 800 series.)      

      I used my HY-ROAD much of last weekend's 2-day tournament mentioned in the VIRTUAL GRAVITY review above. In Saturday's qualifying I went to it after my RAPID FIRE PEARL began burning up too early – the RFP, by the way, continues to amaze me for its strength in oil despite being a pearl.

      The HY-ROAD was the perfect move from the RFP as it rolled strongly but got down the lane easier. It also was the choice for most of Sunday's finals when the lanes hooked more.

      The best way I can describe the HY-ROAD is that it's a T-ROAD PEARL that rolls rather than skids and flips. The TR PEARL makes a quick and strong move at the break point that is awesome for playing deep inside on burned up conditions, especially Sport shots. On too much oil, it is a tough ball for me to control. However, the HY-ROAD's strong but rolling nature is perfect for playing hooking conditions with more skid. It still make a strong move at the break point but it's more of a rolling motion than a flip move.

      I like to spin the ball more with the TR PEARL to match what it likes to do and works best on, and the HY-ROAD I rolled harder when I used it over the weekend for the same reason.

      I would imagine the HY-ROAD would be a great ball for playing up the outside on VIPER and CHEETAH types of patterns, just the way Duke did playing out on the World Championship pattern.

      This was another ball that rolled through the pins, which I like. The one thing it tended to do was rollout for weak 10s when I got it too wide to the dry boards so I think it would carry best staying in the oil. This was hard to do on this pattern as you had to cut it right with no hold in the midlane.

      If I ranked them by hook, I would say RFP has a couple boards more than the HY-ROAD which has a couple boards more than the TR PEARL.

      I think bowlers of all styles can use the HY-ROAD.


      As always, I will add thoughts as I get more use of these balls.





Edited on 11/17/2008 9:14 PM


Z Jellsey

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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2008, 11:13:24 AM »
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine

Dan Belcher

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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2008, 12:28:28 PM »
lget9alot complains about FIGJAM posting any time anybody posts a score or mentions throwing a strike.  Just ignore him.


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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2008, 01:13:09 PM »
No biggie.  1st amendment applies to all.  
And sorry if I offended you dude.  Journalist by trade so just putting all the facts out there.
And I would write up whatever happened no matter what happened - actually should have been an 11th or 12th place mere cash and would have written the same stuff.
I've suffered enough grand successes AND spectacular failures to know exactly how good I am AND how good I am NOT.  And I don't try to pretend I am anything else. I have won a ton of stuff but I also got my teeth kicked in pretty much for two years on Tour so I never pretend to be at the level of the best out there and better than I am.
Heck, I once went 672 UNDER for 18 games in a PBA Tour stop (and finished 142nd out of 160 guys - there were many WDs but I think I did beat a couple of guys - this was a place where about half the house I had literally giant slopes in the lanes from a sinkhole or something - hope they won that lawsuit!).
All that matters to me is that my posts provide dependable reviews that help people make the right decision in buying balls.

Z Jellsey

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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2008, 01:20:02 PM »

Sensitive little babies on here. Keep stroking each others egos on here and I'll try to ignore your FIGJAM posts! I don't need to post "what I've done, or how many of this or how many of that I have". I do not FIGJAM!

Riggs took it just fine. He didn't get all bent out of shape like you clones are!

230 n up,
Nice screen name for somebody that blasts cake house shots.

I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine

Z Jellsey

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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2008, 01:26:11 PM »
I'm just poking some fun at you, and you took it quite well. Your accomplishments speak for themselves.

You do have the most informative ball reviews that I have read.

You just gotta calm your followers down, they are way too easy!
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine

Z Jellsey

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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2008, 01:37:04 PM »
I can type a 7 page review about a ball and you'll know everything about it's tendencies and reaction....and I won't have to mention a score or tournament victory once!

I blast all over 1 of MY BEST FRIENDS who also posts ball reviews on here and FIGJAMs himself to death! Don't worry, it's not personal. Riggs seemed to know that!
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine

Z Jellsey

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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2008, 01:38:27 PM »
My last post was directed at a post 230 n up made and then deleted.
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine


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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2008, 01:43:28 PM »
....and I won't have to mention a score or tournament victory once!

I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine

However, since this is a site that is meant to review bowling balls, doesn't the review carry a little more merit if it's from a respected member of the bowling community that's had a little success with the product?  There's a few people 'round these parts that are entitled to some FIGJAM, especially when they've got the goods to back up the talk.  I'm fairly certain most of us are wise enough to know what's usable information vs. self-glorification, don't you?
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Dan Belcher

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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2008, 01:45:37 PM »
The useful aspect of posting scores?  I can talk all about the ball's characteristics and how it relates to other balls, etc., but if I shot 130-152-129 with it over three games in a tournament, it sure doesn't make the ball sound very good!  Believe it or not, some people will actually be swayed by that, discounting the fact that Jeff is probably ten times more talented than most of the people here reading his reviews.  This is a very simple, basic aspect of marketing.  And what are ball reviews by staffers?  Marketing.  Pure and simple.  (Think about it, what are the two things that sell bowling balls to most people?  High scores and lots of hook.)

That being said, I do get your point to a degree.  Yes, there's a difference between posting scores as part of a review and saying "OMG, I SHOT 750 WITH THIS BALL, YOU ALL SUCK, BOW BEFORE MY TALENT!!!" or something.  But that's not at all what I hear when I read Jeff recount his adventures in tournaments during his reviews.  (Some other people, not so much, but still, looking at this particular example)

Granted, reading you complain about someone posting a FIGJAM is probably just as annoying as the original post itself, so why am I even bothering to reply to you?

Z Jellsey

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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2008, 01:48:50 PM »
230 n up,
Absolutely! I agree 100%

Doesn't mean I won't give that person some crap for it!

I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine

Edited on 11/18/2008 2:52 PM

Z Jellsey

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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #26 on: November 18, 2008, 01:52:03 PM »
Dan Belcher,

Cuz I'm sure you can tell I'm not really bothered by it, I just give people a hard time. Nobody is exempt from the Anti-FIGJAM wrath of me!!!
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine


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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #27 on: November 18, 2008, 01:55:09 PM »
230 n up,
Absolutely! I agree 100%

Doesn't mean I won't give that person some crap for it!

I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine

Edited on 11/18/2008 2:52 PM

You'd better pray to whatever God you pray to that I never shoot 900 or I'm coming right to this site and braggin' my backside all about it!
Return with your shield or on it.  Strength and honor.

"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo



Z Jellsey

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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #28 on: November 18, 2008, 01:59:41 PM »
Blasted 1 of my buddies for doing that too! He shot the 3rd one I believe.

I like talking trash, I can take it just as I can dish it!
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine


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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2008, 02:03:15 PM »
Blasted 1 of my buddies for doing that too! He shot the 3rd one I believe.

I like talking trash, I can take it just as I can dish it!
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine

Are you talking about Rovetini?
Return with your shield or on it.  Strength and honor.

"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo




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Re: UPDATED Virtual Gravity, Hy-Road reviews from Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2008, 02:05:58 PM »
There is nothing I hate more than a review of a ball that says how great it is and how much it hooks or whatever and that's it.  No context, no numbers, no condition, no facts to back up your assertion. Give me FIGJAM over pablum and not enough info!!!!
As a journalist by profession, I am acutely aware of credibility issues so when I post my opinion of balls I try to provide maximum context so people know exactly what I am saying and can make what is hopefully a good judgment on a ball considering what an investment most are $$$ wise.
In that aspect FIGJAM is good and so is FIBJAM, which I also post where applicable!  
I don't think there is any way someone could read what I have written then buy a VIRTUAL and come back and say, geez this ball hooks so much I can't use it.  They also shouldn't be surprised when it chews through whatever oil they see.
And that's what matters.

Edited on 11/18/2008 3:06 PM

Edited on 11/18/2008 3:07 PM