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Author Topic: VE Lifespan?  (Read 3876 times)


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VE Lifespan?
« on: July 10, 2010, 05:24:55 AM »
I have maybe 75 games on my VE, have had it in the pro shop's oven and had a light resurface already. It acts like it has died, not something that I expected so soon. Using it in the same house, same pattern, early in the day or late in the day with a fresh shot. Interior humidity could be higher this summer but other balls seem the same. (Rapid Fire, for example). In fact, the Rapid Fire will now out-hook the VE!

Any thoughts?


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Dan Belcher

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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2010, 02:00:10 PM »
What surface did you have on the ball prior to resurfacing it, and what surface do you have on it now?  It's possible it's not as highly polished or not as smooth surfaced as it was before, so it's reading the lane a little too early and expending energy before it has a chance to hook.  That would explain why the higher RG Rapid Fire would save its energy better and hook more.


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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2010, 07:59:26 PM »
I did not alter the surface from the OOB factory finish and I told the pro shop owner to keep it the same surface and I assume he did. No reason to change it.

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Doug Sterner

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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2010, 08:21:19 PM »
My guess is that when the pro shop redid the surface he probably did not do it like Storm did....try having him take the surface back to 500 then hit the surface with a 4000 pad using light pressure and lots of water. The add the polish and see what happens.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug's Pro Shop
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Dan Belcher

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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2010, 08:28:07 PM »
It can be tricky to recreate the out of box finish on Storm's polished gear.  If he got the ball a little too rough, it'll burn up. On the other hand, if he got it too shiny or didn't leave enough underlying grit, it might become oil-allergic and struggle to turn the corner.  Perhaps try lightly knocking off some of the polish with a 4000 pad, or completely redo it, but add polish directly over 1000 abralon.  If that doesn't work or makes the problem worse, then the ball isn't getting through the front part of the lane cleanly enough. (If that's the case, maybe there's just not enough oil to warrant using the VE)

I'd be very surprised if the ball is already losing significant hook potential and "dying," but especially since you compared it to your Rapid Fire.  I've had problems with my R2S coverstock balls losing their hook potential, but not my R2X coverstock balls.  If you've had your Rapid Fire for as long as the VE or even longer, I would have expected that ball to be hooking a fair bit less than the VE.


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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2010, 02:53:21 PM »
The AMF house I normally bowl in has a brand new Kegel machine and they put down the "Main Street" pattern with a slightly higher amount of oil. The lane guys call it "Main Street on Steriods" although they keep it at 38'.

VE seemed to work better this morning (Sunday) on a fresh pattern laid down at approx. 11 P.M. Saturday evening. VE still did not react as strongly as it did when new but better than the previous two sessions.

I think I should do a side by side comparison against the Rapid Fire, one after the other perhaps to get a better comparison. My Rapid Fire is older but has fewer games on it. ("Smells stronger, too")  Perhaps the strong grape smell knocks the pins down!!!

Thanks for your suggestions!

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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2010, 04:52:26 PM »
I have owned two Virtual Energies. Have seen no indication of ball death.
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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2010, 05:02:43 PM »
I don't own one any more but mine held up great when I had it, just be careful of the finish if you repolish it. A buddy of mine has the ball now and it still reacts great.

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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2010, 10:48:50 PM »
I have owned two Virtual Energies. Have seen no indication of ball death.
Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2010, 07:59:51 AM »
I'v got the same Problem. ball it up the second arrow 7 it just skids & move the last second. that why i've move to Track Do'n have that problem


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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2010, 08:27:38 AM »
I doubt the ball is dead.  It is just the elusive 1500 grit polish finish that Storm uses.  It is very hard to repeat.  Doug and Dan are on the right track.  I have had good results taking the surface down to 360, then up to 500, then a very light 1000.  Then I either use Storm Step 2 at high speed with light pressure.  I've also had good results using Ultimate's Quik-Cut to get it to 1500 polish.  If it gets too shiny just scuff it lightly with a 2000 or a 4000 pad.  Good luck.


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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2010, 12:19:19 PM »
Ball speed, hand position, lane condition all effect how the ball reacts when playing up the second arrow.

Even with some wear on it, unless there is a flood, the VE is going to hook off the dry. It definitely goes longer than the VG, but it is suppose to.

On the wrong condition, any ball may look dead, even the VG if you don't have enough oil in the front of the lane. By th time the ball gets to the back of the lane, it will not hook very much if the heads are dry. But that is not ball death. That is the player using the wrong ball on the wrong condition. I see this all of the time in our league play. Then the same player will go to a ball with a weaker cover and be surprised that it is outhooking there dead big hook ball.
Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

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Re: VE Lifespan?
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2010, 03:33:47 AM »
bowl with the ve today for the last time it wouldn't turn. it just went straight no matter how many rev' s i put on it