For that ball with that short of a pin, your better off doing pattern number 2, Pin 4 1/4" from the axis point and RAD half way between your track and Vertical axis line. Make sure the RAD is at least 2" to the right of your thumb to make it strong. Also, put the pin either under your ring finger or right next to it depending on your span. This will probably need a weight hole to take out side weight, but put the weight hole down in the thumb positive quadrant. This will let the ball rev up easier for you. This layout will give the ball pretty good flare potential but not burn up early for you so that it will have some pop. The only thing I will tell you is to give this ball time to break in. Do not expect this to hook the whole lane right out of the box. I put this drilling a friend of mine and it took a while for the shell to break in. Also, keep this ball clean and dull. Carry a gray scotch brite with you. This ball sucks up oil pretty good and gets dirty easily. This layout should work for you.