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Author Topic: Vertigo drilling question  (Read 1763 times)


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Vertigo drilling question
« on: August 19, 2005, 12:19:10 AM »
Getting a Vertigo drilled up Tuesday night, bit unsure about drilling. I have a Brunswick BVP Nemesis drilled 2E on their chart (pin under ring, early roll), but it just cries if I run into a bit more oil, and my Goliath (2E again) won't come out to play until there's enough oil to swim in.

Looking for more of a skid/snap reaction out of the Vertigo, and good reaction on medium-heavy/heavy, including carrydown. Pin is 2-3". Not really sure which layout to go for Choice seems to be between Layout #1 with RAD in the 'strong' position (B) and Layout #4. Anyone with roughly similar stats (see profile) want to chime in?



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Re: Vertigo drilling question
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2005, 02:42:55 PM »
I have my vertigo drilled as layout number 1 rad in strong. I would stay away from layout 4 as this is going to start up real early and not give you the length you desire.  My vertigo is suprisingly long but you can tell it wants to find it's roll as soon as it comes off your hand.  If you're in heavy oil you may find this drilling to be a little too long.  It has a very hard breakpoint and an extreme entry angle.  If you want skid snap this is probably your better option.


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Re: Vertigo drilling question
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 03:04:57 PM »
For that ball with that short of a pin, your better off doing pattern number 2, Pin 4 1/4" from the axis point and RAD half way between your track and Vertical axis line.  Make sure the RAD is at least 2" to the right of your thumb to make it strong.  Also, put the pin either under your ring finger or right next to it depending on your span.  This will probably need a weight hole to take out side weight, but put the weight hole down in the thumb positive quadrant.  This will let the ball rev up easier for you.  This layout will give the ball pretty good flare potential but not burn up early for you so that it will have some pop.  The only thing I will tell you is to give this ball time to break in.  Do not expect this to hook the whole lane right out of the box.  I put this drilling a friend of mine and it took a while for the shell to break in.  Also, keep this ball clean and dull.  Carry a gray scotch brite with you.  This ball sucks up oil pretty good and gets dirty easily.  This layout should work for you.


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Re: Vertigo drilling question
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2005, 09:10:32 AM »
Ended up going drilling #1 with RAD in strong position. Went down to the local center to throw some games (7 for free), struggled with it for a game or two before getting something more suitable out. Got stuck on one of the 'social' pairs, which they aren't that great about oiling/cleaning regularly. Ball hits like a truck, but wasn't doing much on that mess Cleaned up nicely with some Clean & Dull, though. I'll give it a throw tomorrow night in league, and have a fair bit of bowling lined up on the weekend, so I'll see how I go.


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Re: Vertigo drilling question
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2005, 11:05:04 AM »
Looks like I really should have gone with an earlier rolling layout, I'm a big dude and naturally bowl fairly fast, and the pin-over-ring drilling really doesn't do much on oil for me. Relatively new to higher end gear (back bowling after a long break), so wasn't too sure what the result would be of a longer drilling... and now I know

Bit of a question for a pin-under-ring drilling (2 or 4). The RAD on my ball isn't really along with the pin-CG line at all, it's wandered off to the left somewhere.  Does the CG position matter for either of those layouts? 4 doesn't actually mention the RAD at all, so I have no idea


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Re: Vertigo drilling question
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2005, 11:06:13 AM »
Woops! - picture of the current layout, with my wandering RAD.


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Re: Vertigo drilling question
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2005, 12:16:48 PM »
Doesn't look like you have a weighthole yet.  If you don't, put one in a high flaring position, say about 4 inches down and 3 inches right of your PAP.  That should make it rev up earlier.
New member of the Metal Militia!!!  If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die.  And not get to be a member . .


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Re: Vertigo drilling question
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2005, 07:06:56 PM »
There is a weighthole, it's just not visible for some reason. It's also not in a particularly good position :|