Just picked up a second VG, best Storm ball ever IMO. Don't know what you do, but here is what I do and I've never had issues with the coverstock dying on any ball I've had. I bowl three league nights a week, and clean the ball periodically with Energizer or Reacta Clean maybe once during the set. On Saturday mornings, I restore the surfaces of my balls with the preferred grit, in this case the 500/4000 surface. I wet sand the ball with Clean N Dull or Hook It, whichever I have, (they're both great) one half of the ball at a time. I use a wet microfiber cloth with rubbing alcohol to take off the excess and one to dry the ball. The new coverstocks are like sponges and the combination of cleaner + abrasive helps to keep the pores clean. I have 4 balls, it takes me about 20 minutes to a half hour, and they're ready for the next week. Polished balls I do a little differently, but I'm assuming you use your VG dull. Hope this helps!!