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Author Topic: Victory road and Black widow pearl  (Read 3118 times)


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Victory road and Black widow pearl
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:21:30 PM »
I bought a victory road with the intention of replacing my black widow pearl but have not drilled the VR yet and am wondering if this was a wise move. Can anyone compare these for me?



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Re: Victory road and Black widow pearl
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2011, 12:23:55 PM »
Early indications are that it is a more than adequate replacement.



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Re: Victory road and Black widow pearl
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2011, 08:18:18 AM »
I can't see these two balls being in the same zip code. The Widow prl was an asymmetric (mass bias) ball that tended to be more of a mid lane reaction. The VR is a symmetric (no mass bias) that like 99% of all Storm equipment is way more down lane. A better choice from Storm would be an Anarchy. It is asymmetric and a little more early rolling than the VR. 
If you still want a VR to be close to a Widow prl, plan on putting the pin below the fingers and maybe even using a low balance hole. 

"Now you can Bowl To Win with Hammer, Track, and Columbia"!!

Sean Davidson
Bowler's World Pro Shop


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Re: Victory road and Black widow pearl
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2011, 12:36:08 PM »
I own both balls and for me the black widow pearl is more of a skid/snap kind of reaction while the victory road is more of controlled hard arc.


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Re: Victory road and Black widow pearl
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2011, 02:48:41 PM »
Well, I drilled the victory road the same as the BWP. After bowling 5 games, 2on a house shot and 3 on kegels middle road pattern, i would say the victory road is alot more ball in coverstock and backend. I have not taken out the BWP for a direct comparison yet.


the most impressive thing about the VR is the hit. It seems like the pins just fly off of it and it doesn't deflect much.


I wouldn't call the motion an arc either.


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Re: Victory road and Black widow pearl
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2011, 03:02:18 PM »

 THIS. These balls aren't similar at all. If you were trying to replace a BWP, an Anarchy or an Infinite Theory would have made more sense.
bwproshop wrote on 2/24/2011 9:18 AM:
I can't see these two balls being in the same zip code. The Widow prl was an asymmetric (mass bias) ball that tended to be more of a mid lane reaction. The VR is a symmetric (no mass bias) that like 99% of all Storm equipment is way more down lane. A better choice from Storm would be an Anarchy. It is asymmetric and a little more early rolling than the VR. 
If you still want a VR to be close to a Widow prl, plan on putting the pin below the fingers and maybe even using a low balance hole. 

"Now you can Bowl To Win with Hammer, Track, and Columbia"!!

Sean Davidson
Bowler's World Pro Shop


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Re: Victory road and Black widow pearl
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2011, 09:13:56 PM »
Both balls in their descriptions were designed for medium oil. 


Both balls were designed for more backend. Having experience with the BWP and when I use it from deeper angles on broken down conditions, I thought, from the reviews, that the VR had a chance of being similar.


I am the first one in our house to try the VR so we had no experience to go by. Now we do.


I like the reaction I get from theVR, it is just a lot stronger than I had imagined. I think it will do what I want it for without being squirty like the BWP was for me at times.


Thanks for the suggestions, though, I would not have thought of the anarchy for that purpous. I have seen a few of them and think that it is alot stronger and more rolly.


Sometimes ya just gotta wade in and see what happens.



Rotoguy300 wrote on 2/25/2011 4:02 PM:

 THIS. These balls aren't similar at all. If you were trying to replace a BWP, an Anarchy or an Infinite Theory would have made more sense.

bwproshop wrote on 2/24/2011 9:18 AM:
I can't see these two balls being in the same zip code. The Widow prl was an asymmetric (mass bias) ball that tended to be more of a mid lane reaction. The VR is a symmetric (no mass bias) that like 99% of all Storm equipment is way more down lane. A better choice from Storm would be an Anarchy. It is asymmetric and a little more early rolling than the VR. 


If you still want a VR to be close to a Widow prl, plan on putting the pin below the fingers and maybe even using a low balance hole. 

"Now you can Bowl To Win with Hammer, Track, and Columbia"!!

Sean Davidson
Bowler's World Pro Shop