I think the hardest part in answering this question is the ball down part. Anymore lanes tend to break down in the front, causing strong balls to hook early, and be slower downlane. When you grab a "weaker" ball it often times clears the heads better, but hooks more on the backend because it saved more energy, which then to a lot of people seems to make it stronger, not weaker.
I work with a lot of people locally and the hardest thing to do is when they want a weaker ball and don't want to move, it's not always an easy thing to do.
All of that being said, tend to have to go with a large val angle on weaker equipment to get them to change direction slower, to accomplish what you are looking for, I still say the Hustle Ink, Match Up Black Pearl, Hustle P/O/W are balls that fit what you are looking for, but surface and layout are very important.