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Author Topic: Virtual Energy Review/ Utah Dig  (Read 2576 times)


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Virtual Energy Review/ Utah Dig
« on: July 18, 2009, 05:59:34 AM »

I don't know if you guys have seen the Hammer catalog but there is a HUGE dig in it about Storm/RG stuff.  
It says: "seventy-one pages of corporate blow and you’ve finally made it to the only section of this book that matters. Hammer is still the toughest brand in bowling, delivering an aggressive product line from top to bottom. Your ball can smell pretty or it can strike…you decide"

Below is a post I found...

Storm Virtual Energy Reviewed by: stan stills bowls 07/05/2009 03:38

9 of 9 people found this review helpful. [cid:image001.png@01C9FFE6.951DAA00]

This without a doubt is the ball that will take the industry by STORM, pun always indended. They did a great job picking that name.

AND THIS IS TO HAMMER, I LIKE THE SMELL, AND SINCE I RUN A PRO SHOP, I WILL NOT BE CARRYING ANYMORE HAMMER PRODUCTS IN STOCK. Only thing worst than a liar is a lying loser. Cheap shot in the Hammer catalog.

The Storm Virtual Energy smells great and hits like a Hammer on steroids, by far the best ball on the market. By the way, if I sound biased I am not, I love Hammer product from the 80's and was on board when the brand was revived in the new millinemum using the Internet. But this ball has everyone except Roto beat. Get it you will see the results you are looking for.


Hank for Prez!!!

Edited on 7/18/2009 10:41 PM
Hank for Prez!!!



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Re: Virtual Energy Review/ Utah Dig
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2009, 02:15:49 PM »
Companies send silent messages to each other all the time. If the guy wishes to loose money and not carry hammer because of that, hes nuts. The virtual energy is one mean ball, but to say it is the best ball on the market and has every other brand beat... thats a big push. I love the Virtual Gravity, but I liked my Hot Sauce Pearl better then the VE as my next step down from the VG. Its all opinions in the end, they both make great products.
Hmm..Lets see what I have in this bag...some virtual gravity, some hot sauce, a liberator, and a saw.. how can I loose....

....HG-300(2006 w/Desert Heat)...299 (03/15/09 w/Agent Orange)...HS-776 (Hot Sauce Pearl & Ebonite Magic)


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Re: Virtual Energy Review/ Utah Dig
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2009, 03:07:25 PM »
I kinda like this post that i came acrossed in the track form also...

I have tested every manufacture's balls in the last year and I can state that the 930T is a bigger ball than the Virtual Gravity for a fact. The reason that Storm dominated the shows on tour is because there was almost no oil on tour last year and their coverstocks are the weakest of any major manufacturer.


VG thrown with no oil!!! by who Popey... would need foreamrsand a musceld swing toat of the terminator to get that ball to the pins with no oil.


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Re: Virtual Energy Review/ Utah Dig
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2009, 03:25:19 PM »

Its also pretty funny, they bash storm but yet the jigsaw is the most blatant copy of a virtual gravity I have ever seen.  Storm must not be too bad if they are matching their products to them.

I kinda have to dissagree about the jigsaw being a copy of the VG..
The numbers are pretty close sure, but I've thrown both and don't see a 'copy'

2 different OOB surfaces, and cores.
If you look at the jigsaw core also it resembles a widow core..(remove the two bottom pieces of the widow a little rounding and that little chunk that is missing in the jigsaw removed) and they are pretty similar..

All brands in a way copy eachother if you think about it...Brunswicks avalanche to hammers vibe, ebonite bash&clash

all fall in the same performance line of the company, but I believe in no way are they ccopies.

Just my opinion though..

I don't agree with bashing other companies like that though.

Chief BK

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Re: Virtual Energy Review/ Utah Dig
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2009, 03:29:22 PM »
If you had read the thread further, you would have seen the note that stated the VG was rarely thrown on Tour...

Yes, I've had my hands in a VG, a Cell and a 930T.  The 930T is the better ball of the three.

As for the dig...I haven't seen it.  Then again, I haven't looked for it either.  Out of curiosity, supposing Storm or Roto took a shot at somebody, would you drop their stuff even though it "smells good and hits like a Hammer on roids"?

These pot shots happen constantly.  It's not often that we see them thrown in a catalog, but I have to say...Hammer is a very aggressive brand with very agressive fans.  Ya never know what a Hammerhead will do!
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Chief BK

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Re: Virtual Energy Review/ Utah Dig
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2009, 03:32:13 PM »

Its also pretty funny, they bash storm but yet the jigsaw is the most blatant copy of a virtual gravity I have ever seen.  Storm must not be too bad if they are matching their products to them.

I kinda have to dissagree about the jigsaw being a copy of the VG..
The numbers are pretty close sure, but I've thrown both and don't see a 'copy'

2 different OOB surfaces, and cores.
If you look at the jigsaw core also it resembles a widow core..(remove the two bottom pieces of the widow a little rounding and that little chunk that is missing in the jigsaw removed) and they are pretty similar..

All brands in a way copy eachother if you think about it...Brunswicks avalanche to hammers vibe, ebonite bash&clash

all fall in the same performance line of the company, but I believe in no way are they ccopies.

100% correct.  Each year a company puts out a ball that raises the bar a little bit higher.  This is the ball that ALL MANUFACTURERS try to replicate, but do it just a little bit better.  Some people just don't understand how this industry works.
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GM of Blue Ball Lanes - Blue Ball, PA

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Re: Virtual Energy Review/ Utah Dig
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2009, 04:25:56 PM »


I'd say this to the poster of that review:
I'd suggest you not get in the middle of bowling politics and not let it sway your pro shop's revenue. Both Storm and Hammer make products people want and demand. Since Hammer came up with the Widow series and the Vibe series, people who cannot get them from you WILL get them from someone else. Both are winners from the point of view of bowling power and desirability by the bowling public. And there seems to be a growing demand for the Raw series, too.

Hammer is a lot like Roto-Grip in that they have a small focused range of balls, each serving a special purpose. It is slightly larger range than RG but not by much. In that way, Hammer's relationship to Ebonite is a lot like RG's relatiionship to Storm.

Storm is already one of the most popular and respected brands across the country.

Unless there is some other reason that you're not presenting here, I think you're hurting yourself and no one else by not carrying Hammer.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 7/18/2009 7:21 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Virtual Energy Review/ Utah Dig
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2009, 05:01:09 PM »

If you read it closely it was a review that I found on
a different site... NOTmy personal
business.. I don't work in a proshop much less own one..
I just happened to see a post and was wondering how people
would react..

Hank for Prez!!!
Hank for Prez!!!


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Re: Virtual Energy Review/ Utah Dig
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2009, 05:02:28 PM »
First, I'm a Storm guy. Reading the line in the catalog tells me they also took a really big cut at the Eb/Col brands in the front of their catalog to start with. I also don't have a lot of their brands on display BUT I try not to let somebody get out the door if they really want the brand I'll sell it!
Use "IT" and BOWL UP A STORM!!


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Re: Virtual Energy Review/ Utah Dig
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2009, 07:21:13 PM »

If you read it closely it was a review that I found on
a different site... NOTmy personal
business.. I don't work in a proshop much less own one..
I just happened to see a post and was wondering how people
would react..

Hank for Prez!!!

Still looks like it was your review, but now we understand differently.

I'd make the same recommendation to the guy who posted it.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."