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Author Topic: Virtual Gravity and Complete NV?  (Read 1387 times)


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Virtual Gravity and Complete NV?
« on: October 18, 2009, 01:15:31 PM »
So I picked up a Complete NV at a great price while researching balls to put in my arsenal... kind of by accident (won it on eBay for $25.) I was pretty set on getting a Virtual Gravity, so I picked one up shortly after.

I'm now struggling to decide if the Complete NV would fit in my arsenal with the VG. I'm pretty set on drilling the VG, but I don't want to drill the NV if it's going to fill the same current void in my arsenal. Has anyone used both balls? If so, could you give some sort of comparison?




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Re: Virtual Gravity and Complete NV?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2009, 09:41:55 PM »
totally diiferent roll for me from the 2 cnv was smoother then the vg


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Re: Virtual Gravity and Complete NV?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2009, 09:57:34 PM »
CNV was longer and more angular for me by quite a bit. It retained more energy and was much better on mediums to slightly more than medium than the VG....but the VG took a lot of maintenance to keep it reading the pattern consistently. The VG was better on Medium heavy to heavy.


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Re: Virtual Gravity and Complete NV?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2009, 10:48:02 PM »
Perfect, that's exactly what I was hoping to hear. I have a big gap between my VG and medium ball, and was hoping to fill it with the CNV.

Can you two tell me if you have them drilled similarly, or if they are completely different?


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Re: Virtual Gravity and Complete NV?
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2009, 11:43:50 PM »
My CNV was drilled stronger than my VG.

Perfect, that's exactly what I was hoping to hear. I have a big gap between my VG and medium ball, and was hoping to fill it with the CNV.

Can you two tell me if you have them drilled similarly, or if they are completely different?


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Re: Virtual Gravity and Complete NV?
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2009, 12:38:28 PM »
If you drill them correctly, you can easily use them to complement each other.  I'd use the VG on fresh shots where you're trying to control the breakpoint because it reads the friction strong, but predictable.  When the lanes require you to open the launch angle a little more and the VG either has a tough time getting to the breakpoint or turning the corner, go to the CNV.  Both of these bowling balls require a great deal of maintenance.


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Re: Virtual Gravity and Complete NV?
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2009, 06:01:23 PM »
Can you guys compare the CNV to the Virtual Energy? I have an opportunity to pick one up for a decent price, and I haven''t yet had the CNV punched. It sounds like they might fill the exact same void.

As for maintenance, thanks for the heads up. I do clean my bowling balls after every series, and bathe them regularly. I know the VG is bad for sucking up the oil, but I''m hoping that I can expect decent life out of it with proper care.

Edited on 10/19/2009 6:01 PM


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Re: Virtual Gravity and Complete NV?
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2009, 06:19:25 PM »
What I saw with the VG is that it takes some games to break it in, but it's well worth it because this ball is $$$.  The Energy and the Complete can definitely be used to fill the same hole, but if you also drill them to complement each other because the Energy is a hybrid and the CNV is a straight up Pearl.  Just tell your pro shop operator that you want them drilled to complement each other.


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Re: Virtual Gravity and Complete NV?
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2009, 06:27:56 PM »
I'm thinking right now it will be one or the other. I probably should have listed my arsenal to give a better feel for the equipment I am dealing with. Some of my equipment is old, as I'm just getting back into bowling off of a 8yr break. Strangely enough, my Power Bolt from 8yrs ago is still my favorite ball... I wish I could locate another to have in case I damage this one.

I'll list them in order based on oil condition (heavy - dry)
Storm VG
Ebonite Complete NV
Brunswick Demolition Zone
Storm Power Bolt
Storm Second Dimension

And I think I'm going to select a Storm Fast for a drier condition ball. I might get rid of the Brunswick Demolition Zone, as it really doesn't fit my game as well as I would like. In it's place, I could see trying the VE, but I want to wait until I have the VG and NV drilled before I go any further. I'm also scared to get my arsenal too top-heavy, and leave myself weak in dry or spotty conditions.

If you have the time, look over my arsenal and give any recommendations as you see fit. The equipment has changed a LOT since I was bowling a long while ago. There's so many more options, and it's tough to know where to start.