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Author Topic: Virtual Gravity and Virtual Energy  (Read 1874 times)


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Virtual Gravity and Virtual Energy
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:36:08 AM »
I have both a Virtual Gravity and Virtual Energy, I have low revs (I think) and am a speed dominant player mostly (can slow down to 15mph but naturally tend to throw from 17-18Mph).  

I find that the Virtual Energy never really seems to work well for me, surprisingly I can get the Virtual Gravity to work real well in both heavy and light oil.  I can play the Virtual Gravity on the far left or far right and score much higher than any other ball I have.  The Virtual Energy seems to never find the pocket, on dry super over hooks, medium tends to slightly overhook or underhook (seems very touchy), and heavy starts to just go straight and no longer have hardly any hook.  These balls have the same core, is there a different surface I could use with the drilling of my Virtual Energy that would make it work better for me in the medium oil.  It is my oldest ball, and bowled a lot with it, but have always had problems getting it to work nice.  Have done oil extracting with a bucket, and dishwasher, it does hook still but as stated it seems either unpredictable in either direction depending on conditions.  I''m wondering too if with my style of liking the outside and low revs, playing straighter, is a Virtual Gravity just a better fit for me on even dryer conditions (thinking maybe Pearls aren''t my thing with how I throw, especially polished).

My Virtual Gravity is drilled with the pin above the ring finger, and Virtual Energy is drilled with the pin at about 1 oclock to upper right of my ring finger.  Also I track pretty close left of my finger and thumb holes, to around back on the other side of the storm serial number.

Edited on 2/11/2010 9:40 AM



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Re: Virtual Gravity and Virtual Energy
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 10:46:43 AM »
I've had similar problems with my VE.  I play in a league that has a heavy oil pattern, and at OOB finish, the VE skids a lot and labors to make a turn at the pocket.  I had my pro shop operator sand the ball a little bit at a time until I got the response I was looking for. He said that his VE also had the same issues.

I've got over 200 games on it now, so it's due for a resurfacing...I'm going to try and have it resurfaced at 4000 grit no polish to see how it works out and practice some later today.  I'll let you know what I find out.


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Re: Virtual Gravity and Virtual Energy
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 09:01:26 PM »
Well, got my ball resurfaced at 4000 grit no polish, and it seemed to smooth out the reaction.  However, I found that I was still playing a line five boards to the right of where I like to play.  After talking with my pro shop operator, he said that the house is using new brushes, conditioner, etc, so the oil volume is very heavy and everyone's playing up to ten boards right of where they usually play.  So, we tried sanding it down to 1000 grit to see what would happen.  With a 178 average, I bowled a 220, 231, 267 for a 718 series!  The 1000 grit would probably be way too much at other houses, but I'd recommend trying resurfacing at 4000 grit and going from there to see if that helps.


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Re: Virtual Gravity and Virtual Energy
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2010, 06:21:09 AM »
merkada .. whats the under of the 4000? Whas it stepped al the way up of did he jump a few grits?

Been thinking of try'n no polish and want somethin simmilar to box reation without the polish (seems with polish its hard to get and accurate/identical results time after time.


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Re: Virtual Gravity and Virtual Energy
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2010, 06:43:19 AM »
he throws the ball really well but it gives an idea what can do compared the the virtual gravity

I would try 500/4000 first and move from there.
300 revs
16 mph
17 degrees of tilt

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Re: Virtual Gravity and Virtual Energy
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2010, 07:33:01 AM »
An update, two different things seemed to help my Virtual Energy be a better ball for me.  First I have realized that I must give it a rejuvenation often, seems it dies on me pretty fast and especially if I want to use it with polish.  Second it really doesn''''t work on multiple conditions.  Just bowled at a new house I never have before and it actually worked ok there for awhile after I played a line with the Virtual Gravity awhile and when it was overhooking a little. It didn''''t last long and moved more inside and used the Virtual Gravity again with more power hitting ability, the Virtual Energy just doesn''''t hit the same.  Which is weird because they have the same core.  It does hit nice, just doesn''''t give me that magical luck the VG has where I can miss the pocket sometimes and it mostly will still strike.  I think the hot water bath/dishwasher/rejuvenation is a big key with it though, it seems to need that else it becomes unpredictable and useless on any carry down or oily/sport conditions.

Also the new house I played at seemed like a fresh house shot, easiest shot I have ever played on.  Very new synthetic lanes with some friction it seemed too, and have my VE back to OOB 1500 polish surface too.  Just seems sad though the VE works best for me on an easy house shot, and sport patterns it seems to not.

Edited on 2/27/2010 8:33 AM

Edited on 2/27/2010 8:35 AM

Jesse James

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Re: Virtual Gravity and Virtual Energy
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2010, 09:20:23 AM »
This is kind of funny. I'm on the east coast, and I was talking to a Pro Shop owner yesterday, and he was saying that his sales of the Virtual Energy were going up, while his sales of the VG had essentially stopped.

The VG, to me is an all or nothing type of ball. You either love it or hate it. The aggressive coverstock and big hitting core allows a lot of no-rev fluffers to carry all kinds of shots, especially errant ones.

At the same time the VE seems to be the more universal ball of the two, that gives you more length than the VG, and a much smoother transition to the pocket. But having said all that, the surface still needs tweaking to meet the needs of most bowlers, so it seems, otherwise it very easily becomes condition specific.
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

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Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: Virtual Gravity and Virtual Energy
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2010, 09:31:11 AM »
I agree about the VG, I've actually tried to stop using it so much and use my Hy-Road at 4000 grit instead.  Mainly because I have to work harder at consistency with the Hy-Road, and the VG makes me feel like I'm somewhat cheating because I can throw some real crappy shots and still get a strike.  I'd rather work on getting more accurate than just relying on the VG all the time.  It's weird how it has this move to Brooklyn that you can just tell it will strike, every time when it moves like that, and I don't like it much but then again it's a strike even though I pulled the ball.  I'd rather avoid pulling the ball, and the VE definitely doesn't let me get away with that at all, it makes splits instead.