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Author Topic: Virtual Gravity help  (Read 3866 times)


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Virtual Gravity help
« on: March 14, 2009, 02:43:01 AM »
I just tried out my new Virtual in league and am initially disappointed. Looking for suggestions to adjust before heading to Nats next weekend. Note that I'm left handed... It's not the same world over there. Layout is pin down, 4.5 x 4 with a PAP of 5x1, with the key almost out to VAL and a small thumb positive weight hole.

Used it on a oily THS shot, compared against a NIB Horizon Solid (just punched that day) and a Cell that's fairly weak and just came out of the hot water bath. Both other balls are 4x4 with pin next to ring and sanded to 1500 with a Valentino pad.

All three performed equally (+/- 1-2 boards), no real difference UNLESS the Virtual was thrown out to the gutter. As expected, it would come all the way back and hit like the proverbial wet noodle, no energy even at 4000 OOB. The Cell would make it back most of the way, and the Horizon couldn't get there. I tried hand-hitting with a 1500 Valentino pad after that with minimal difference.

I know it's pin down, but it was pretty mellow all the way through. Two of my teammates have VG's and they are definite monsters on the right side, night and day to what I saw.

I don't think the fresh THS was too oily for the VG. Although possibly too little oil, the comparative reaction, particulary to the Horizon solid, makes me think not. I do believe it started to wake up a bit after 3 games, but only very little and that's being generous.

My thoughts:

- The obvious "all oilers need friction at the end to react", the pattern was just too long...

- Like my Big B Activator covers, it needs some use before really getting into stride.

- Use the spinner, drop the surface to 1000 Abralon or below, take it to Nats and hope for the best...

Other thoughts?
Signature? I don''t need no stinking signature...

Edited on 3/14/2009 10:45 AM



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Re: Virtual Gravity help
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2009, 05:09:23 PM »
I have to agree with Riggs. My VG is drilled with the pin 5" from my PAP under the fingers.  The mass bias at about 45 degrees. It's oob and it hooks a mile. I think the stronger layouts just burn out too fast unless you are on a flood. It's really incredible off the spot and it hits a ton!

If you've got a left hand, don't be a lefty hater. Just switch and join the party. Otherwise keep on grinding with the other crisscrossers.


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Re: Virtual Gravity help
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2009, 08:32:27 AM »
its a funny thing about this ball.I have found that with flat conditions where the ball can come into the dry it is very good. but where the oil line is 40 ft. or more it doesnt have time to recover. i thru it last night for the 3rd game and there wasnt much oil ,just a severe oob past 10.
   i moved left and back from where i was originally standing and the ball worked well,but 3rd game at 1000 ,when the shot was broken.and it wasnt burning up.if i got it right ,it skated but when i hit my mark it was money.My point is that its really not for heavier stuff and if i redrill weaker,4x3 pin under ring is where it is now,would it be only for super dry lanes.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

Steve Richter

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Re: Virtual Gravity help
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2009, 07:46:14 AM »

If you see the VG, CELL and Horizon Solid virtually the same motion (All three performed equally) on the lanes, in balls that are VASTLY different, that your struggels have more to do with the 90* of axis rotation that you list in your profile.

Your pin strengths and rev rate seems to match up.  If you can apply more forward roll to your ball - meaning cut it to 30* - these all will probably hook like crazy, but within what their core shapes and covers will allow.

If you don't have a good coach in your area to help you ( then look at the coaching section), try a Storm X-Tra Roll wrist device.  I have used this with good success with some of my students who can't "feel" that they are 60*-90* and need something that helps them get to where you need them to be.
Steve Richter
USBC Silver Level Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician


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Re: Virtual Gravity help
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2009, 09:48:33 AM »

In your opinion do you think putting the MB so close the VAL would have a negative effect as well?  When I drill eqiupment with that much of a CG kick (or small of a drilling angle) I find sometimes it's too drastic even if it falls within the limits, and doesn't allow the core to rev up early to get into a roll at the break point.  

With such a large angle to the val and pin distance it's tamed the read on the back end off the break point so I was wondering if that combined with the MB being so close to the VAL would result in the ball not getting into a roll.


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Re: Virtual Gravity help
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2009, 10:01:22 AM »

I agree with you 100%. When laying out these atomic bombs the USBC allows us to throw, I VERY SELDOM lay out a ball for ANYONE where the pin is any stronger than 5" from axis.

The rare occasion that I would lay out a ball stronger than 5" is for a Speed Dominant/rev challenged player.

With the ability to strengthen ball reaction with extra holes,  there is no need to drill a ball any stronger than 4 1/2" from axis. It is much easier to strengthen a ball reaction with extra holes than it is to weaken an overly strong already drilled ball.

And to Steve's point, you should see significant difference between the VG or Cell vs. the Horizon. All fine pieces of equipment, but should not be "interchangable".

Larry Verble

Steve Richter

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Re: Virtual Gravity help
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2009, 01:33:12 PM »

When I compare my two VG's, the one that has the MB on the VAL had a BIGGER flare split than did the one that was in a strong position - translating to earlier hook.  The closer to the VAL (or past it) the faster a ball will "rev up"  The further the MB away from the VAL the longer the delay.

In the case of Lefty, he is sooooo reliant on friction with that release that slight misses at the release point get magnified down lane.  I actually think in his case (rev rate, axis of rotation) that the MB on VAL is helping him.  If he brings his axis of rotation back to a much more manageable level, then the game entirely changes.  This ball may be driled too strong in that case.
Steve Richter
USBC Silver Level Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician