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Author Topic: virtual gravity or invasion  (Read 6721 times)


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virtual gravity or invasion
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:11:39 PM »
I'm ordering a few new balls and plan to get a new premier line ball.  I have not had a strong solid in a while.  I know the nano is coming out but I'm getting either a virtual gravity or invasion.  Which would be better.

Billy Trudell
Storm PBA regional staff
Drilling Tech Next Level Proshop



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Re: virtual gravity or invasion
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2011, 11:16:01 AM »
i know but switching screen names and targeting someone and harrassing them is allowed.  you people need to get lives.

Billy Trudell
Storm PBA regional staff
Drilling Tech Next Level Proshop


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Re: virtual gravity or invasion
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2011, 11:22:14 AM »
Switching screen names?  I've been on here for a while and this is the only sn I use to point out mishaps and "follies" as Omnipotent so eloquently put.  So you see you are quite mistaken youngin. 

Trudell wrote on 2/4/2011 12:16 PM:
i know but switching screen names and targeting someone and harrassing them is allowed.  you people need to get lives.

Billy Trudell
Storm PBA regional staff
Drilling Tech Next Level Proshop

You've just been handed a little TLC


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Re: virtual gravity or invasion
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2011, 01:03:05 PM »
okay all of you people are right.  My mistake i shouldnt be posting here asking questions and trying to talk bowling. okay i get it.

Billy Trudell
Storm PBA regional staff
Drilling Tech Next Level Proshop


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Re: virtual gravity or invasion
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2011, 05:46:08 AM »
I have not called any of you unwashed wretches or anything.  i was just talking bowling okay i agree i could call and ask someone else.  but this is a 24/7 bowling talk forum and thats all im trying to do.  Noone should feel offended because im asking peoples oppinion on what ball they liked better.

The Omnipotent wrote on 2/4/2011 2:13 PM:
Trudell.  Nothing in your posts makes sense.  You're supposed to be a PBA regional staffer with Storm.  YOU are supposed to know the answer to your original question!  If you can't see how you asking that is eyebrow raising, you're as dense as the rest of your posts in this thread make you out to be.  Why would you not be on the phone to Utah directly instead of asking us, the poor unwashed wretches of BR? 




"Stupid is as stupid does.  And you sure do a lot!"

Billy Trudell
Storm PBA regional staff
Drilling Tech Next Level Proshop


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Re: virtual gravity or invasion
« Reply #35 on: February 05, 2011, 06:02:53 AM »
You didnt ask which one we thought was better, you asked what would be better for you. I wouldnt trust the tard squad on here with making that decision. Make the call you should of in the first place, stop trying to FIGJAM yourself, and drop back off the face of the digital world. The less douchebags, the better.


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Re: virtual gravity or invasion
« Reply #36 on: February 05, 2011, 08:23:12 AM »
Is it possible to have WalkingLegend take his own advice?  I vote he disappear!

Balls in the bag and order they come out:
#1-Anarchy #2- Virtual Energy  #3- Virtual Gravity #4- Gravity Shift #5- Big Hit (spare and really dry)
#6- Teal Rhino Pro (oldie but a goodie) 


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Re: virtual gravity or invasion
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2011, 10:19:45 AM »
 Finally someone notices that as harassment.  I understand  omni post of having thick skin, but when guys like tlc and the stroke follow people around and just flat out talk trash then that's a problem.  I haven't been on the site long but if you look at the date of when some of these names joined, its only a day before or on tje same day as the  harassing posts.  Who knows maybe its the moderators themselves.  But I doubt it.  

Billy Trudell
Storm PBA regional staff
Drilling Tech Next Level Proshop


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Re: virtual gravity or invasion
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2011, 10:32:32 AM »
I have difficulty understanding how a PBA Storm staffer and a pro shop "drilling tech" would not know which of these 2 balls would work better for his game.


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Re: virtual gravity or invasion
« Reply #39 on: February 07, 2011, 10:43:39 AM »
You assume that he does not already know. He may know and just wants to get others thoughts. Wise people often prefer to listen than to speak.



strikemor wrote on 2/7/2011 11:32 AM:
I have difficulty understanding how a PBA Storm staffer and a pro shop "drilling tech" would not know which of these 2 balls would work better for his game.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.


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Re: virtual gravity or invasion
« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2011, 11:19:42 AM »
 Basicly the last asymmetric premier line solid o drilled was the original cell in 08.  I know what the balls are Supposed to do.  But as I wanted to ask the thoughts of the larger body of people what there thoughts on the two balls were.  Like what everyone saw with certain layouts and such.   This is the perfect place to ask something like that because there are so many people on here that own the two.

Billy Trudell
Storm PBA regional staff
Drilling Tech Next Level Proshop